Recent content by Maria Parker

  1. Maria Parker

    CRASH on my new V20c

    This is just awful. I am so sorry. I will tell you that we have learned that Tegaderm bandages is incredibly helpful for road rash. Expensive, but worth it. Keep us posted and let us know how we can help.
  2. Maria Parker

    24 hours in the canyon race report

    Great job Greg. Go back next year with your V20!
  3. Maria Parker

    GCN and Cruzbike

    I disagree Larry. To us who ride and understand this bike, it was hard to watch, but to most people, I think it just came off as really cool. The video was wonderful, and the presentation compelling. Unfortunately, GCN did not give us the opportunity to fit him properly, but we have let them...
  4. Maria Parker


    We have recently been made aware of scammers violating the sacred space of this forum. Before sending any money, please double and triple-check the seller's validity. Feel free to contact us through and we can let you know if we have had previous interactions with the seller.
  5. Maria Parker

    Florida Bike Safari 2024 - April 13-18

    I just signed Jim and me up for it and we're hoping to see many others in our Cruzbike family there. Last year was a blast and a great time to get some easy miles in preparation for the summer riding season. We camped (the first time for me in a long time) and we plan to camp again, though I...
  6. Maria Parker

    Japanese Odyssey with a S40

    I've just been all over the website . What a beautiful event!
  7. Maria Parker

    Japanese Odyssey with a S40

    Marcel! This is so great. We'd love some more details and pictures if you have them. You can email them to me or post here.
  8. Maria Parker

    Seat cracking

    We changed the material on the seat, which seemed to work a little better, but are still experiencing breakage. (we will continue to replace those broken seats). I think part of the problem is that the material is not consistent. Some seats seem to work really well, others break right away...
  9. Maria Parker

    Long hair troubles, any tips?

    That's funny @Velocivixen That's probably in my future.
  10. Maria Parker

    Long hair troubles, any tips?

    Hi Mia, What a great question and post. Yes, I have some of the same issues. First, I always braid my hair in two braids, one on each side. Second, when I am doing a long, hard ride where my hair can get snarled (usually in my helmet), I load up the back of my hair with a conditioner or...
  11. Maria Parker

    Commenting on bikes for sale

    We are delighted to offer this as a place for people to list and sell their used Cruzbikes. Please only post on the ads below if you have questions about the bike for sale because of an interest in purchasing it. Thank you!
  12. Maria Parker

    EU or dutch Cruzbike rider willing to lend a bike?

    Hi Cruzbikers. We Dr. Andrew Dressel has been working on a Cruztrike with a frame we gave him and he recently reached out with this request: I am helping to organize the Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics Symposium in Delft in October and I would love to show off a Cruzbike there. I plan to...