Build Questions

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
OK, I'm wasting time waiting on my frame to be delivered. I'm trying to make sure I have my ducks in a row so when the frame arrives, I can move forward with the build. I picked up from Brian that you need a tandem brake cable for the back brakes. I got that but what I'm not sure of is how much housing I will need. Can anybody give me a guestimate of how much I should buy? I have my doubts about having enough shifter housing, too. I think I might buy about 10 feet of shifter housing and what, about six feet of brake?



Doug Burton

Zen MBB Master

I think you will find that even after you finish building your Silvio and are happily riding it, you will still encounter a temptation to play around with your kit bike.

The things that I have consumed the most of fiddling with my kit bikes are cables and cable housings. I buy housing in 12' lengths from Third Hand/Loose Screws, and I buy cable off the rack at the LBS. Every time you make a meaningful change in the handlebar config on the kit bike, you will change the cables and housings, and not always be able to reuse them. Trust me, once the Silvio is running, the kit bike will whisper "make me into a citybike/commuter, you know you wanna do it..." The other thing I buy in bulk is SS allen head fasteners...

Just buy more than you need and you won't get held up when you're on an assembling roll...

Be well,


Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Hardtailcruzer wrote: Just buy more than you need and you won't get held up when you're on an assembling roll...

Be well,



There you go, making sense again..

FWIW, I tore down a 24" kids mountain frame. It's a rigid Trek, but steel and quite heavy. Regardless, while I'm wearing off the newness of the Silvio and getting my conversion frame painted or powder coated, I thought I might throw the kit on that 24" frame with a pair of 26" wheels. If I can come up with some kind of front suspension, this could be a mini Silvio. I might have to get a second kit! Oh my! :D



Well-Known Member
Heh, I knew that a month ago, that in the end I'd have to get two kits and a Silvo. One kit for the wife, one kit for my "truck" bike and a Silvio for fun, although my kind of fun is probably a bit more offroad than yours is.
Get 6ft of Derailleur
Get 8ft of brake

This will be sufficient with wtb bars. I bought this when I redid for my wtb bars, I had some extra when all said and done.