Recent content by Bill Wilby

  1. Bill Wilby

    Wider bars would end most riding control issues, IMHO

    Freerider handle bars "These are designed by me specifically to make for easier riding. They will fit any sofrider, any Q26 or Q20 and any conversion kit." We have a Freerider set up as a trainer for people interested in trying a Cruzbike as I...
  2. Bill Wilby


    unlite Forza F2 Mag Trainer I use one and as a dealer I have been selling them. I think they are very good value and all most people need. They are also very easy to set up. Bill
  3. Bill Wilby

    Aluminium Panniers

    Great idea, I have considered Great idea, I have considered something similar with the idea that they would also attach together and make one case to hold a 20 inch wheel set. Then when packing the Quest in a suitcase I could leave out the wheels and stuff clothes in the extra space. This...
  4. Bill Wilby

    new cruzbike rider

    nearest dealer I would like to see a photo too, I am your nearest dealer as we are located in Grand Forks B.C. You may have noticed us enjoy, Bill Wilby
  5. Bill Wilby

    Safety Flag

    I used a child's flag with my Quest as seen in my profile photo. It was short and and flexible enough to fit in the suitcase with the bike. It attached by sliding onto the axle and behind the quick release. I replaced the funny face with the Canadian flag. It felt comforting to have the flag...
  6. Bill Wilby

    Are there any Softrider V2's in the Toronto Area

    Hi Ian, I have sent a link to Hi Ian, I have sent a link to my customer in Sudbury, I have not heard from him yet but it is summer time, I am taking my Quest to Victoria next week and plan on riding the galloping goose, Bill
  7. Bill Wilby

    Are there any Softrider V2's in the Toronto Area

    Toronto area Hi Ian, I shipped a softrider V2 to a customer in Sudbury last month, if you would like I could send him a link to you. The last I talked to him he was having a blast with his new bike. Bill