Recent content by chicorider

  1. chicorider

    Minimum Speed Climbing

    My description is purely anecdotal. I struggle to understand why I've noticed different patterns with the various CB models I've owned, and other riders might have a different experience from mine. I agree that the V20 position feels most natural. It has an all-day level of comfort that the...
  2. chicorider

    Minimum Speed Climbing

    There are several variables when it comes to climbing with Cruzbikes, some related to the bike, some to the rider. I climb a fair amount on my V20c and S30 and have enough practice over nine years that I don't tend to have balance issues, even at slow speeds (though at first, I was all over the...
  3. chicorider

    Andrews V20C Build 2025 discussion (1st time building bike)

    Carbon paste primarily does two things: it provides that little bit of grit to help prevent slippage for parts like carbon seatposts and handlebars. And it acts as a barrier to keep certain parts from fusing to other parts--especially true of seatposts, which, under the right conditions...
  4. chicorider

    Map to Connect owners and prospective owners

    Hi again Maria. I was able to create an account and add pics on my phone. All good now.
  5. chicorider

    Map to Connect owners and prospective owners

    Hi Maria. Now when I try to create an account, I just get that spinning wheel in the center of the screen. It's going on ten minutes so far. My computer did a Windows update recently and it has run like crap ever since (thanks, Microsoft!). It's possible that the problem is on my end. I'll...
  6. chicorider

    Map to Connect owners and prospective owners

    I've tried to sign up a few times now over the past couple days. A small red flag comes up in the lower right corner reading "Missing Translation" and I'm stuck there. If I try logging in through another service, such as Google, I get an "Error" message. I don't know if the problem is on my...
  7. chicorider


    I am a trial and error kind of guy, settling on 60psi front and back for my V20c with 30mm tires. I weigh 130 pounds, so I don't need to inflate quite as high as some people. 55psi felt a little soft. 65psi felt a little lumpy/harsh. I pump up before every ride so that the ride quality is...
  8. chicorider


    There are a lot of good tires out there, and most of them have their tribes and their detractors. I have always liked and had good luck with the Schwalbe Pro One Tubeless, but I know there are those who don't and haven't. I've noticed the same thing about Continental's GP 5000 Tubeless--plenty...
  9. chicorider


    I agree that deep section rims will help, but how deep to go might depend on your typical riding conditions. If it tends to be windy where you are, I wouldn't go too deep, especially in the front. Wind gusts can catch you off guard and send you off course. The deeper the rim, the stronger the...
  10. chicorider

    New Chain

    Echoing some of what's been said here... But first, be wary of anyone who says their way of lubing a chain is the only way that works. There are many methods and options out there, and most of them get the job done at at least at a basic level. Riding conditions and bike maintenance habits...
  11. chicorider

    Andrews V20C Build 2025 discussion (1st time building bike)

    1. The V20c slider is carbon, including where it cradles the bars, but the clamps that wrap around the other side of the bars are aluminum. So the most accurate answer to this question is, half carbon, half aluminum. Hand position with these bikes can be pretty particular, and can vary from...
  12. chicorider

    Andrews V20C Build 2025 discussion (1st time building bike)

    Good job going for your own build. It's more expensive, but it's the only to get exactly what you want for the kind of riding you have in mind, and it's really satisfying. My two cents about mechanical brakes... I have five bikes, including a V20c and S30, and run mechanicals on all but the...
  13. chicorider

    Shimano FD-R7000, FD-R8000, or FD-R9100 Installation on S40

    That should work too. Short of a super sharp bend in the housing, I doubt that the cable cares how you get it there. A slick solution.
  14. chicorider

    Shimano FD-R7000, FD-R8000, or FD-R9100 Installation on S40

    I've had a handful of CB's over the years and have used either FD-R9000 or FD-R9100 on all of them with great results once they are properly setup. In each case, the cable does cant to the right from the cable stop on the stalk to the pulley, and then fairly straight from the pulley to the...