Race Cage

The new Race Cage arrived today. I plan to use it when I’m traveling and need something smaller than my M5 tailbox.
It’s definitely an improvement over the race case in that you have more storage options with better security. Water bottle cages can be used in the high or low position (four holes per side). The lettering is reflective. BTW, the floor stiffener goes in after the cover is put onto the cage.



scatter brain
Didn't even know this existed. Asre there no announcements for accesories or have I missed it? Do I not follow the right places?

For everyone as in the dark as me:
Maybe limited quantities to start. Cruzbike get-together attendees received an early heads-up. After the Cruzbike accessories page was updated Larry shared with the forum in another post. I know that other items often appear without notice, (such as the curved slider.)

Robert Holler

Staff member
This will be on the website soon for sure. The first of them Maria was getting out to some people who have been waiting. Also attachment hardware had a bit of source hiccup but that is getting fixed


Guru Schmuru
Oh hell - in one swell foop - you just turned my V20 into a viable commuter too. (At least for the days I leave my computer at the office)

I watched the video and it looks like you fold down the top cover to put the water bottles at the front (in cages). You zip forward and stop at the front section. Does it zip down into the bag? Otherwise water would get in when it rains. Do you have to stop and put the bottles in laying down and zip up the whole thing?


Guru Schmuru
If I need to be “waterproof” (maybe not 100%) one could treat the nylon shell with something
Could one remove the shell and bungee in a dry bag?

Robert Holler

Staff member
Definitely not waterproof. This is a fair weather case I would say. I imagine it can be treated with a spray, or a cover could go on top... but the main design is for adding aero and a bit of light duty (emphasize light duty) carrying capacity with the ability to carry a few bottles close to the mount points.

Robert Holler

Staff member
Robert, do you know what the weight is?
Total weight of everything is about 2lbs:

Cage: 1.1 lbs
Cover: 0.75 lbs (12 ounces)
Clamps/Hardware: 0.20 lbs (3 ounces)

One thing that I personally like about this is that we can have other covers made or people can have covers made easily that are waterproof/different material/etc.

We went with a good light-as-possible-while-still-durable material for weight and cost. The first prototype cover that our supplier made for us that I have personally use is much more heavy duty and "weather resistant" but is also 4x plus the weight... and I personally thought it was a bit "too much cover" for its intended use. It also tends to absorb a bit too much of the wet weather given the initial material choice even though it is "more weatherproof."

So the stock one is made for a lighter weight but still has good weather resistance for most rides unless you are in a deluge.

We are a bit limited by OEM quantity/MOQ numbers for making various versions of the covers - but I envision us having different versions/styles/colors eventually. Like a "V20c race lite" version and maybe a more "S40 tour" version, etc.
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scatter brain
With normal zippers on the top, I'd guess the best you can do for rain is letting it drip out the bottom, so it doesn't pool inside the bag. Put your stuff in a ziplock bag, if you need to. Maybe one of those fancy magnetically sealing ones from Fidlock. ;)

If you don't need access to the storage, maybe "for emergency", it should help a great deal to put some kind of hood over it, like a shower cap :D Quick, cheap and ugly would be a small bin bag with draw string to pull it somewhat closed around the mounting hardware. Easy to store and when the weather get ugly you pull it out and over, if you have something really delicate in there.

Frito Bandito

Zen MBB Master
Ozcycle on Youtube has a video on mixing silicon and mineral spirits to be brushed on whatever you want to weather proof that I believe would be perfect for this kind of application. It is probably a bit smelly, but then again the Race Cage will be behind you and you'll still be on a V20, and we all know what happens to things behind a V20.
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I added an internal storage thing for keys, wallets, and such. (It’s a pick-pocket resistant wallet designed to wear under clothes.) This’ll keep them accessible and prevent them from slipping under the floor pad. It’s a quick-sew bodge, but I can imagine attaching with snaps could make it nicer.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
I added an internal storage thing for keys, wallets, and such. (It’s a pick-pocket resistant wallet designed to wear under clothes.) This’ll keep them accessible and prevent them from slipping under the floor pad. It’s a quick-sew bodge, but I can imagine attaching with snaps could make it nicer.
I'm waiting for the pic with the doc in the race cage!