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    New Vendetta V20

    Thanks, Larry. I'm just having fun with the DF riders. Most of them have no idea how fast a V is. I think that none of them have ever heard of a V. This is an ego destroyer for a strong DF rider. Too bad most cyclists are stuck in the DF paradigm (as was I). You could call "blowing up DF...

    New Vendetta V20

    Two more unsuspecting victims presented themselves Thursday night. A draft was offered and accepted. The V slowly jacked up its speed to about 26. Number one held on for a few minutes but started making strange breathing noises - then (you guessed it) KABOOM! Number one quickly dwindled in...

    New Vendetta V20

    That is actually an antique, German, two-bike stand. I use a modern stand now for working on my bike, so my wife said she wanted the antique stand for our living room. So I kept my mouth shut and now there is a bike stand in the living room. I know I don't have to explain here why that is a...

    New Vendetta V20

    Hi Rick, I kind of thought that my climbing would not improve since my total Vendetta bike weight is about 10 pounds heavier than the DF bike weight. Could you explain why I might be able to climb faster in the future than my DF counterparts? That would be a big, unexpected bonus.

    New Vendetta V20

    Hello again everyone. As requested, here are some photos. This is the front of the seat with Sorbothane strips underneath. It's not pretty, but it works well. The strip is 50 duro, which is medium hardness. For comparison, 70 duro would be harder, and 30 duro would be softer. Notice the...

    New Vendetta V20

    Hi Abbot, I'm a very new Vendetta-lover also - and now an ex-DF rider. I just wanted to share some of my experiences over the last few weeks. I apologize in advance for the long-winded novel, but my wife has just about heard enough of my Vendetta stories. I think she is becoming suspicious...