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  1. Lief

    Component advice requested

    Karen, Welcome. I recently bought a Silvio and outfitted it with all SRAM Rival components. I have had trouble with (my LBS) the adjustment for the front derailer (Sheldon Brown spelling), nothing they do seems to get the adjustment right, either off the top or dumps off the bottom. I haven't...
  2. Lief

    Bar End Shifters

    Did someone say Bike Bins? I am rolling with a fairing and a BikeBins pannier. Heres some bike pr0n to prove it (taken with my iPhone). The fairing ( fit and shape is good. I can see over it very well. But my hands are on the outside and still get cold. And...
  3. Lief

    Maria's next record attempt

    One of Jim's (CyclingExperiences) page updates said that Maria went down in a gust of wind on lap #7 due to the wheel covers on her yellow bike and she finished the ride on Jim's (Parker) Silvio and that she may have lost about 3 min or so (you can see it in his spreadsheet) That is all I know...
  4. Lief

    Maria's next record attempt

    Now the top of site says this.
  5. Lief

    Maria's next record attempt

    The top of Jim's page says this right now. Not exactly a twitter but not a regular post either...not sure what it is but I am so excited for Maria and Cruzbike.
  6. Lief

    Maria's next record attempt

    What a ride indeed! 20 minutes left, I am glued to cyclingexperiences website, loving the updates, loving the pictures. Maria if a bunch of people that you have never met can be proud of you, that would be us! Way to go! Go Maria Go!
  7. Lief

    Seat Back help

    Rod, I had the same problem, on my Silvio,: immediate pain / pressure when just sitting on the bike. I tried what Doug said (reposition the cushion) and it helped but just delayed (and dulled) the pain for maybe 10 - 15 minutes. Interesting that you noticed it after so much riding though (and...
  8. Lief

    Maria's next record attempt

    I don't see the forum that this got moved to so I am going to log my argument here. First, if there is one thing I have learned as a father and the only male in a household of four, you don't mess with a girl's shoes. Second, and arguably more compelling from a pragmatic point of view: These...
  9. Lief

    Maria's next record attempt

    Maria and Jim, I am "riding" your course via GoogleMaps street view. It looks like a good route; I have only seen one stop sign so far, plenty of good visibility. There are a few interesting driveways entering the road and some pretty tight "shoulders" on Gum Spring Rd (hwy 1325). And...
  10. Lief

    Maria's next record attempt

    Jim, I am so jealous that you live so close to be able to support this attempt. If I could I would. {though nobody more than John Tolhurst I suppose} Go Maria Go!