Search results

  1. LarryOz

    24 hours in the Canyon, Texas event- May 30, 2025

    Hello fellow Cruzbike Tribe Member, I am highly contemplating riding my Cruzbike Vendetta in the 24 Hours in the Canyon event this May 30 in Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Texas. I am looking for at least 1 person to support me in this event that is hopefully close enough so it is not a huge...
  2. LarryOz

    Very interesting differences between Vendetta 1.5 and V20

    I recently picked up a couple of frames for my Cruzeum. A Vendetta 1.5 and a Citron V20 (Gen 5 or 6) Notice how narrow the back end of the Vendetta 1.5 frame is from the V20 - The 1.5 headrest had to be attached to the back of the seat, which was bolted to the frame. Also notice the...
  3. LarryOz

    My Custom V20C (R) - Finally complete!

    I am happy to say I have just finished my V20C R (R is for Retro) - I have been working on it since this Spring - and was really motivated to finish it before the end of the year. I just made it! The picture is a comparison of my original Vendetta 2.0 with my V20C Prototype which was repainted...
  4. LarryOz

    Christmas Vendettas Ornaments

    All I need is a huge to hang these "Vendetta ornaments" On! These are my "Christmas 7" - of the 13 I have here at the Cruzeum. .. From Front to back: Vendetta 2.1 - Original "big Boom" - belonged to Maria at one time V20C prototype - painted up with the original color scheme of the original...
  5. LarryOz

    Anyone is Australia or New Zealand want a Cruzbike?

    I will be traveling to New Zealand and Australia Feb 21 - Mar 8, 2025. .. If you have always wanted a Cruzbike but the cost of shipping to Australia or New Zealand has stopped you - I would be happy to bring one to you when I visit. I will only charge you the price of the Cruzbike plus what the...
  6. LarryOz

    Larry Oslund to ride 24-hour Self-Supported attempt on Nov 12, 2024

    Hello everyone, Lord willing, I will begin riding my Cruzbike this coming Tuesday, Nov 12 at about 6:30am. The plan is to ride for 24 hours and to see how many miles I can do. I will be riding a 1.13 mile loop in my subdivision. Yeah - sounds boring and repetitive, but at least it is safe, well...
  7. LarryOz

    looking for clear Giro Attack lens

    Does anybody out there have a clear Giro Attack Lens they no longer need? I am going to do a 24-hr attempt and my tinted one will not work at night - and I lost my clear one. Thanks, Larry please email me at if you have one - thanks, Larry
  8. LarryOz

    Anybody within 90 mins of Cinci with an S40

    Hi Tribe, I have met someone in Cinci who rides a Q45 that would like to try out an S40 - If you have one and are within 90 mins of Cinci, please let me know and I will hook you up! Thanks, Larry
  9. LarryOz

    2024 WTTC - Borrego Springs - Cruzbike Guys against the Girls

    Maria and Jim Parker are meeting up with Laura and John Crawford at Borrego Springs tomorrow to do a challenge. Girls against the Boys in a 2-person Team 24-hour TT Maria and Laura against Jim and John! They start at 5:03pm Pacific Time tomorrow!
  10. LarryOz

    Help me design a Cruzeum Cycling Jersey

    Hi Tribe, I have decided to pull the trigger on having an "official Cruzeum", shirt, and cycling Jersey. (yes - with side pockets!) I am asking for help from all you creative types out there. Please submit your ideas, images, designs, etc to me here (or to - If I use your...
  11. LarryOz

    Evolution of V20 Line: Date, color, price, etc

    I am putting together a timeline of all the different "Generations" , colors, etc of the Cruzbike V20 line. I bought my first V20 in Nov, 2014 - I remember I was expecting a new "Big Boom Yellow" one - and I was initially disappointed that I got a whole new model and look - The first V20...
  12. LarryOz

    2023 Red S40 for sale - $3900 - SOLD

    I have a 2023 Red S40 (latest, newest version - still being sold in 2024) available as a consignment sale from a previous customer. He was able to ride it, but was 80 years old and did not trust his balance so asked me to sell it for him. It has less than 100 miles on it. Cruzbike is out of...
  13. LarryOz

    Free personal delivery, assembly, and fitting available for you new Cruzbike

    I will be traveling to Xenia, Ohio on Sept 19-22 for Cycle-Con. If you know you want a new Cruzbike and would like me to personally deliver, assembly, and fit it to you there - please contact me and let me know. Also, If you are reasonably close to there (or on the way from Hilton Head, SC) I...
  14. LarryOz

    2024 Cycle-Con - Xenia - Ohio - Sept 21-22

    Hi Tribe, I will be representing Cruzbike at this year's Cycle-con in Xenia, Ohio. The public days are 21-22 - I will be there on the 19th to set-up and open on the 20th for the dealers. If anyone would like to come and "help-out" - it would be greatly appreciated. Last year I gave over 80 demo...
  15. LarryOz

    2024 Mid-Atl - 12-hr Championship

    Larry's race report It was very exciting - down to the last mile!
  16. LarryOz

    Anyone close to Allentown, PA - that can help ship me a used Vendetta?

    I have purchased a used Vendetta for the Cruzeum and am looking for someone who would be willing to pick it up from the seller and pack it in a box for me. (The current owner cannot do it) I will be happy to reimburse for any supplies needed and will pay for the shipping label remotely. Give me...
  17. LarryOz

    Sweden N-S (July 6 - 11)

    Tor Hovland and I will join about 100+ other riders in riding Sweden N-S in July. While Tor is an accomplished randonneur (as many have seen his great videos) - PBP, this Sweden ride 2 years ago, and many others - this is my first attempt at anything like this! We signed up for the "fast" group...
  18. LarryOz

    I saw this White Silvio in Wilmington, NC on FB Marketplace - $3000 It is not mine
  19. LarryOz

    2024 Calvins Challenge - May 18-19

    A reminder that yours truly is hosting the new 2024 Calvins Challenge in Springfield, Ohio on May 18-19. Larry Graham, the prior organizer from 2016 (and many years earlier) has been kind enough to help me get this going again in 2024. We will use the same famous 50 and 7 mile loops and use the...
  20. LarryOz

    WUCA Record Attempt Report - Larry Oslund - Mar 20, 2024

    As you may know I ran the 2024 Bike Sebring event in Florida on Mar 23-24. Since I was not able to ride in that event I decided to do a WUCA record attempt on Mar 20 instead - so I would not waste all my fitness. Here is a link to my report...