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  1. defjack


    Use a small amount of Plumbers Goop It works great.I ran a thin bead on the inside of strip problem solved. Jack
  2. defjack

    Campagnolo Centaur Bike

    I cant wait for the review. Jack
  3. defjack

    Just a taste

    Someone had to try bar ends.I think they stil might work.Lookng forward to your road test. Jack
  4. defjack


    Where do you live? There might be a Cruzbiker in your area who will help out.What kind of bike are you building a kit or just putting a Freerider togather? We need some more info. Jack
  5. defjack

    2 Silvios in Redlands

    Took my Silvio to Redlands for a ride with Mark today.Did a good 45 mile fairly fast paced ride with mostly lite traffic.The riding in Redlands is a lot different than riding the beach paths around my place.Alot more hills for one thing.Its good to try other areas for a change of pace. Marks...
  6. defjack

    "No Pain, lots of gain!"

    Thats a good one. Anyone else changing bars? Jack
  7. defjack

    Planning Ahead

    I run a triple and my X seam is around 42. Jack
  8. defjack

    Origin 8 bars

    You can pull plenty hard on these bars.I think the Silvio design gets rid of a lot of stem flex so there is no wasted power. I have Ultegra brifters note that I used a foam pad to run the shift cables a little higher. Not pretty but works for now. Jack
  9. defjack

    Origin 8 bars

    Did a 15 mi ride with the new bars today. Rode my usual route so I could get a good idea how they work. Had the 44 cm for 1200 miles so the bike did feel different with the 58s.One thing is im getting more power fron the upper body. Picked up about 2 mph going up hills easy and steeper ones...
  10. defjack

    Origin 8 bars

    Ordered these bars on friday and they were on my porch on sat.Its too hot for a ride today so will give them a shakedown tomorrow.Did do a few rides and they feel pretty good a lot different then the narrow bars. Jack
  11. defjack

    Mark's Build

    Just ordered some bars.Bike looks great Mark that was one fast build. Jack
  12. defjack

    Radical Design seat bag

    Bent Up Cycles only had the wide ones but they are a good fit for the Silvio.I put 2 water bottles on back of the seat that hold the bags away from the tires and brakes. Bags are large enough for pump tubes and extra clothes, lock. I dont even feel them on the bike. Jack
  13. defjack

    Cannondale Cruzbike

    Went back to the EVO Sport bars and like them better than the cruiser bars. The bike seems more solid feel so you become one with the bike. The cruiser bars were 27in wide the EVO bars are 22in.When I get the wider bars for the Silvio both bikes will have close to the same riding poition. Jack
  14. defjack

    Cannondale Cruzbike

    Same steer tube.Old adapter was hose clamps ,ubolts and pcv.I like the steel set up better. Jack
  15. defjack

    Cannondale Cruzbike

    Redid the Cannondale Cruzbike headset adapter today and its plenty strong. Used thinwall tubing and 2 stems.Plan on taking it for a nice long ride tomorrow. Jack
  16. defjack

    44 bar / campag

    Does this mean there will be a Silvio special bar for sale soon? Jack
  17. defjack

    44 bar / campag

    Those bars do look nice.I would be intersted. Jack
  18. defjack

    Radical Design seat bag

    The rides I did they were lite loaded and didnt seem to sway.I might go to a few velcro straps for easy removal. Jack
  19. defjack

    Radical Design seat bag

    Put a solo racer wide panner :) bag on the Silvio.It fits pretty good. There are several straps for getting a good fit.I did drill one hole at back of seat and used the existing holes at lower part of seat for more tie points. This will keep the bags away from wheels and brakes. Jack
  20. defjack

    My Ultegra Triple equipped Silvio

    Triple for me too.Last sat we did a ride with a long not to steep hill but I was glad to have that triple. Jack