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  1. mgraham

    Switching to 26 in wheels

    Brian A, it's a v2k frame Brian A, it's a v2k frame which was originally meant for 26" wheels that the previous owner had wanted to turn into a silvio-esque road bike with road bicycle components. So I'm confident that switching the fork out will allow me to put those wheels on the bicycle...
  2. mgraham

    Switching to 26 in wheels

    About a year ago, I purchased a conversion kit that was outfitted with drop bars, 700c fork, and V brakes. As you can imagine, with the lack of pull from the brifters, getting the brakes set up correctly is a chore. Add to that the fact that I'm a heavily built person and I break spokes...
  3. mgraham


    First, I love the Sofrider. It has been quite a lot of fun learning what it (and I) can do! Anyway, I know that there is quite a lot of excitement in the forums right now for racing (and there should be... good job, guys!), but racing's not really my thing. I'm perfectly content to reel...
  4. mgraham

    reading the tea leaves

    My 2 cents I am a commuter with aspirations to bicycle touring. I became interested in recumbents as a means of cycling long distances without injuring myself (carpal tunnel, "seat" issues, etc), but was turned off by the usual 'bents complicated mechanisms (which I have no chance of addressing...
  5. mgraham

    Saddle/Handlebar Bags

    I'm starting to get the hang of this thing and even successfully took it out for a quick 14 mile jaunt the other day, which got me to thinking about storing phones, tubes, etc. My idea was to find a seat bag or possibly a handlebar bag to mount to the back of the V2K seat. Does anyone have...
  6. mgraham

    Newbie Rider Report

    Starter set ordered I've ordered a starter set of pedals and shoes. I had to order it sight-unseen because all of our local shops only sell beach cruisers. I figured that it should give me enough of a feel for the system to decide if I can make it work for me or not. I've been reading about...
  7. mgraham

    Newbie Rider Report

    Let me get this straight; you put the lime in the coconut So it sounds like I simply buy a shoe that I like and there are only two types of shoes (road or mtb). Then I purchase the clipless pedal that I like (in matching road or mtb format) and the pedal comes with the correct cleat that I then...
  8. mgraham

    Newbie Rider Report

    You might be on to something. I am using flat pedals, as a matter of fact. I've never used clipless pedals. Mostly because I started riding as a kid on mountain bikes and then commuting. It always seemed like clipless pedals for those activities were either dangerous or overkill. Not...
  9. mgraham

    Newbie Rider Report

    Ok, so before I get into it I'll be totally honest. Most of my riding over the past few years has been commuting on upright bicycles. I have gone on a few longer (more than 100 miles) trips, but they were on my road bike and were pretty painful after mile marker 40 or so. Now I have a V2K...
  10. mgraham

    I got me a JONESING!!

    Aging?! Bite your tongue, sir! Better to say, "smarter and better-looking roadie crowd!" Even at the tender age of 35 this whippersnapper realized that the standard bicycle frame might be efficient, but it certainly isn't anatomically friendly! I have just recently pulled the trigger on a...
  11. mgraham

    Newbie build question

    Ok then. So what follows is a picture of the bike in its current seat configuration. The second picture is a close-up of the position of the seat bracket and where it sits on the Y2K frame. A picture of me ON the bike will have to wait (possibly a while) for two reasons: 1. No one to take a...
  12. mgraham

    Newbie build question

    New Question I figured that I would just ask my next question in this thread as I'm still getting used to the cruzbike phenomenon. I am able now to successfully commute to work and have even done a few miles around town. I have noticed that my tailbone begins to hurt after a few miles. I'm a...
  13. mgraham

    A note to new Mega-Clydes

    I reject your reasonableness! Nonsense! Of course factory defect is not an option! Therefore the only possible explanation that makes any sense at all is that of superhuman strength. In fact, I do often get asked to pick up heavy things, move furniture, lift cars off of trapped grandmothers...
  14. mgraham

    A note to new Mega-Clydes

    Are you new to cruzbikes? Are you a giant human being who is used to crushing it in the weight room and pounding up hills while lesser men envy your superhuman strength? If so, this warning is for you: Please be careful not to overstress your chain! Apparently on the cruzbike format, it is...
  15. mgraham

    Newbie build question

    I understand what you're I understand what you're saying, John, but this Mega-Clyde and smaller tires don't really get along well. Perhaps if I can work my weight down to 240ish I'll consider putting the 28s on, but if I did that right now (I've tried it in the past) it'll be all about the...
  16. mgraham

    Newbie build question

    So my gently used near-silvio conversion arrived yesterday and I think that I've got it all back together correctly. I even managed to take it out for a quick spin today. (wow, these things are equal parts weird and cool!) Anyway, to my question: Because I ride on 32's, my drive wheel has...
  17. mgraham

    v2/k SOLD

    Sorry, all! I am the lucky winner of this fine machine and it should arrive Friday. I'm apologizing because for the next several days after that, you all will have to put up with my ridiculous updates as I simultaneously venture into the world of recumbent bicycles and learn to tame the Wild...
  18. mgraham

    v2/k SOLD

    Very Nice Ride! I'm Very Nice Ride! I'm interested and sent you a PM. Could you describe the wheels and tires a bit, please? Inquiring Mega-Clydesdales need to know these things!
  19. mgraham

    Sofrider For Sale [SOLD]

    Is your sofrider still for Is your sofrider still for sale? How much are you asking? How many miles on it and is it still in good condition? Will you be willing to ship it to the east coast? Inquiring minds want to know!
  20. mgraham

    More Test Sites For Cruzbikes?

    Parallel Inquiries? I can totally understand your desire to produce a race bike and certainly there is a lot of work to be done in that direction. However, most bicyclists aren't racers and have no desire to be. Would it really be impossible to take a machine that has already proven itself to...