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  1. C

    New headset on original Silvio

    Yeah, I sprayed wd40 in there.. I'll keep doing that... taking that pivot clamp off is what's preventing me from getting at the stem cap... Good on the King headset anyway.. Thanks Harold
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    New headset on original Silvio

    hi all, I have a Silvio from the original production run and the headset that came with the bike is shot... It has a LOT of play in it and creaks like crazy... First, will a standard headset fit in that frame... I have a Chris King headset Id like to use.. Second, the pin that connects the...
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    Titanium spring broke

    Hello! I have the original version of the Silvio from the very first run. The titanium spring that connects the back of the seat to the rear frame snapped last week from too much flexing. is this piece still available for replacement? And also my front air shock does not hold air anymore. I...
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    shock boot

    Hi All, Haven't been on in a while, but I have a Silvio from the original production run. I noticed the other day that the rubber boot that is on the front shock is getting all cracked... Is this available? Does it matter? Is a whole new front shock for the first Silvio's available as a...
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    Mangled rear derailluer

    spares? Hey John, Just wondering if you got my email on buying a couple of spare hangers? Thanks Harold
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    Mangled rear derailluer

    thanks! Great.. just shot off an email.... i thought i was the only one but the shop guy said this is actually pretty common... Thanks Harold
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    Mangled rear derailluer

    Hi All... Haven't been on in a while, but wanted to share this... I got on my Silvio for a 24 mile ride tonight...and I did one revolution of the pedals, and somehow the rear derailluer got sucked up into the frame and was destroyed! The cage was mangled, the idler gear popped out and the...
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    Maintenance tips

    Hi all! I've been fine tuning the Silvio for another season of riding and came across some tips that might be helpful: 1. I've always had a bit of a problem with the air shock loosing air... I realized that the valve is just a standard car tire type valve, so it is easy to replace. Go to any...
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    Some ride reports are more intense then others!

    Hello all. Check this link out for one of Lance Armstrong's training rides in Hawaii. The last mile was a 17% grade! Harold
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    check out this type of carbon wound frame! Harold
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    Back to Back group rides + mega hills!

    Hi all Just did 2 group rides, Monday and Tuesday. Tonights ride was a killer. It was about 38 miles and involved a number of hills with 17% grades! But the Silvio kept up nice with the regular roadies. I found it to be as good at climbing these kind of grades as my Specialized upright. The...
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    Carbon Fiber and the Silvio

    HI all I was just reading an interesting article in "Road Bike Action Magazine" about a TDF rider Cadel Evans. He had a bike made by a Belgium manufacturer, Ridley. In the article, they describe a new carbon fiber process: "Process in which the shape of the the frame is first created using a...
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    40 mile Silvio ride

    Hi All Just did another 40 mile ride through southern NH tonight.. pretty hot , in the mid 80's but like it warm when riding... According to my Garmin GPS, over the entire ride I averaged 17.6 mph... over the first 21 m I was going at 19.3 mph.. these are great numbers for me, much better...
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    Gu Bottle Mount

    Hi All As I've mentioned before, those GU energy packs are awesome on long rides, but a pain to deal with. Went to GU's website and ordered the GU bottle mount. Mounts right on the steering column on the Silvio, pretty convenient! Just fill it up, and squeeze. Harold
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    My Longest Silvio ride so far....

    Hi Last night I got in my longest Silvio ride.. it was a 42 mile ride from Ashby, MA up through WIlton, NH, over to Milford, NH and down through Townsend, MA and back to Ashby... Some really gorgeous roads for riding in Southern NH. The first 8 miles were pretty much all up hill, some pretty...
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    Power Test

    Hello As the end to the cycling program I've been in over the past 2 months, we had a power test tonight. It was using the Tacx trainers which have a built in watt meter. The past 2 months, I've been using my Silvio on the indoor trainer. I have been getting spoiled rotten with its comfort...
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    Mesh Seat

    I just bought one of those Ventisit seats for a bike I am building and they are amazing. Very light. The cushion is not a solid cushion.. its made up of these synthetic coils that even allows you to see through the seat... very open, plenty of circulation. They also don't absorb water, so if it...
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    Carbon Silvio Concept

    this bike is almost a copy of this bike which was made long before... Still gorgeous and extremely well made... Harold
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    Silvio Servicing

    Hello, One small adjustment I needed to make the other day was on the rings that wrap around the BB. I noticed while on my trainer with the Silvio, that the BB shell was sliding back and forth in those rings. I tightened them up and it is much smoother now. Harold
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    "Recumbent Rant" in Road Bike Action mag

    That second graphic is great! I love the Silvio passing the DF! Harold