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  1. B

    Vendetta Up and Downhills

    Gearing I use a compact 50/34 alond with 10 speed 11/36 , it is a bit long for Redwood Gulch but still ok. The Vendetta does well downhill, it is easy to ride but as long as you don't pedal... you need quite some practice to reaccelerate the bike after a switchback going downill, or attack...
  2. B

    Vendetta Up and Downhills

    climbing Mick Yes it was Mt Eden, the 2nd video was taken on Pierce road which is much steeper. I am very familiar with Redwood Gulch with my own bike but I couldn't do it with the Vendetta because the gearing was to long, 50/34 wit 12/28 is too long to attack 18-20% ramp like Redwood...
  3. B

    Vendetta Up and Downhills

    Somes Videos I did short Videos of my climbing 1st on a gentle slope 0f 5-6% over 1.5Kms or 2 Obviously it climbs, does it really climbs much better? I can't really tell because I didn't have the bike for long enough to perform real...
  4. B

    Vendetta Up and Downhills

    I got a Vendetta for a week, and tried it in hilly area, well as much as its 50/34 + 12/28 gearing allows it since hills tend to be very steep around here. After a few days of riding I got the hang of it though it was tough the two 1st days of ride as I was constantly wobbling, and by the...