Allen/Plano Texas - We have two Silvios here

I have a Silvio, and I live in Allen. Elias Baron has a Silvio and he lives in Plano. Currently you'll find me riding the PBA Eastside ride if you want to check out and test drive the new Silvio!


Does that still apply if it's 39 degrees tomorrow morning? I really want to see the silvio, but may have to wait till it's a little warmer. Down to how cold are you likely to show up?

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
He has a new bike with new mods. I suspect he would ride if hell were frozen over. :lol:



New Member
Brian: Thanks for the information on the Cruzbike forum. (My post on yahoo group as first time user) Now I'll try to learn to use it properly ;)

Joe Martin

New Member
R U Still Riding Cruzbike

Howdy, these post are a few years old so wanted to know if either of you is still riding the Cruzbike? I have been a member of the N.Tx recumbent group for over 5 years now and don't recall ever seeing any post regarding the Cruzbike. We have revamped the site as it was dieing a slow death a few years ago, you can find us not at ( )
Love to have you there, our group has grown quite a bit over the last few years and you can always find someone nearby ready to ride. Lots go riding all thew time on Whiterock Lake and there is one group that does it after they have breakfast together.
One more

I just purchased a Silvio from a dealer in North Carolina. I should have it any day now. So there are now at least 3 Silvios in the area if the others in this thread still have theirs. I tend to go riding up in the area where the Collin Classic route is but maybe I'll meet up with your rbent group one of these days