Bike shop shout out - Cary, NC

On other ‘bent forums, I have heard stories of bike shops not wanting to work on recumbents. Here, just outside of Raleigh NC, we have had a shop that use to go by Cycling Spoken Here. I took my Trident TWIG and ICE Sprint there in the past.

Recently the shop was sold (I think) and now it is a Trek shop. Well, my S40 needed a little love so I took it over. The mechanics fawned over the bike when I dropped it off. I also spent some time talking to them about the bike. The work was done in a few hours, but I left the bike there for a few days as they had to order parts. For some reason they were out of 10 speed SRAM parts in all the local Trek shops.

They called to let me know it was ready and asked that I give it a test ride. They wanted to make sure it rode well and not just working on the stand. Apparently the three guys there all tried to ride it. One ride unicycles but could not go very far on the S40. One of the managed to ride it around a bit.

Overall a great experience just like it use to be under the old name. Everything worked perfect as expected. I fiddled with the brakes for hours when I first got this bike and they were just passable. Now I am confident I can stop when I need to ;)

I know we have quite a few CruzBikers around Raleigh. If you are looking for a friendly shop who will happily work on your bike, I would suggest giving the a visit.