Bright leds lighting


Well-Known Member
Get in there and get you some bright lights for your cruzer. LED technology has exploded. You can hang reflectors all over your bike and you wont ever come close to a couple of well placed led lights for really showing up to other drivers and pedestrians . The nite fanatics will not be satisfied without dropping 1, 3, and even 5 hundred dollars for a head light. I'm simply not going there in any way shape or form.
You can see mine hanging off the back of my bike. It is called the Terra Lux. Man, I'm finding some really bright lights here and they are not that expensive. I've found 3 sources that really stand out as bright, economical, plus convenient AA or AAA batteries sizes. I'm really liking the brightness I'm finding with all this New LED stuff but I'm even more impressed at how long the conventional AA batteries last.
The first two are really what I call bright. The Terra Lux is no more than a drop light or work light at Northern Tools. If you don't have a Northern Tools in your country try this; It can be used either front or rear in flashing or continuous mode. As a hanging tail light as in my photo the red filter simply slides around to cover or uncover the 30 flashing LEDs. To use it as a front head light I drop it into a soft eyeglass case with the shirt pocket clip on it. The light is attached up front by zip tying glass case shirt clip to the bike.
The second light is also an even a brighter work light that is attached very much as the Terra Lux. It is called the Designers Edge l-1198 and it is also at Northern tools. If you don't have a Northern Tools try this; Both are really bright and are somewhere around 15 to 20 dollars a piece. There are other choices at Northern tool but these 2 are by far the brightest and ain't it cool that the batteries last so long. :ugeek: I painted mine with flat black to help the look.
The last place is in China. Shipping is free but you have to be very patient. That said I got a super bright head light there (4 - "AA" included) for $6.50. It has 2 flashing functions and I know that it's hard to believe but this stuff from China is not junk.

Good Luck
Enjoy the LED revolution and light up that bike.


Active Member
Here is a cool LED light that goes on your valve stem


Or you can go completely overboard with Holeyspokes



Well-Known Member
I'm think of getting a set of Smart Lunar LEDs for my cruzbike.


I was at a 24h race over the summer and these rear lights are awesome!! - you can see them from miles away.

They are enough to wake dozy 3:00am drivers, so they'll do for me!!



Well-Known Member
Hi Currystomp;
By far the brightest tail light is that "Blinky" you have featured on your page. If I had but one light on my bike it would be the Blinky. But I'm not convinced about the head light you show. I will put my $6.50 Kaidomain head light up against it any day.
Also Please put some rough prices up on this stuff. I think the cheapest I"ve seen the "Blinky" is around $22. US dollars.

Your stuff is all sold out on your links and although super fun they are not in the super bright - long battery range of lighting I'm looking for. Also I'm concentrating on throwing the most light front and back with the most economy. Currystomp's Blinky has got your back as far as I'm concerned. I think Marie had a Blinky on her last Record Run. My bright work lights are usable anywhere, and cheap too.


Well-Known Member
Yes I aggree it was the backlite that was great (@ ~ 20 USD), The front light I've just purchased off of EBAY is a CREE P4 torch with cycling attachment


Again this was ~ 20 USD (15 UKP), but had seen them on US web sites for 12USD :lol:

This has a P4-WC LED - which is going to be blinding bright - but is going to chew though batteries (I'l need rechargables)




currystomper wrote: Yes I aggree it was the backlite that was great (@ ~ 20 USD), The front light I've just purchased off of EBAY is a CREE P4 torch with cycling attachment

but is going to chew though batteries (I'll need rechargables)
This thread may be of help if your torch will take CR123A size rechargeable batteries


Well-Known Member
currystomper wrote: Opps looks like we have returned to the subject of an old thread!! :roll:

We are ok, Currystomp, the previous thread does not really deal with the exceptional features that I'm attempting to convey here. I'm attempting to feature a couple of lights that flood and spot much better than most other LEDs of the previous thread. I wish also to convey the added benefit of long battery life and cheaper AA and AAA sizes. Being useful off the bike too as a multi-roll camping light makes them unbeatable in my book.

I really like Gromits idea of keeping opposing traffic guessing. I'm working on duplicating GE's Diesel train engine light with the accompanying deep belching air horn of the Diesel Locomotive. I bet with a nite scope on my camera I would get me some really dramatic footage of apposing traffic. What do you think?




buyagain wrote: I really like Gromit's idea of keeping opposing traffic guessing. I'm working on duplicating GE's Diesel train engine light with the accompanying deep belching air horn of the Diesel Locomotive. I bet with a nite scope on my camera I would get me some really dramatic footage of apposing traffic. What do you think?


I don't remember writing anything regarding keeping opposing traffic guessing. :?
Where was that? :)
If I really wanted to keep 'em guessing then I'd not bother fitting any lights like a lot of cyclists over here. :lol:
The other night whilst out on my mountain bike, I found myself tracked by a guy on a racing bike who was keeping pace with me a few feet behind "borrowing" my lights. :)
What a cheapskate!



Well-Known Member
My Apologies, Gromit.
It looks like it was Teacherbill describing his lights on the other thread. As per your tailing lighting parasite I had a stroke of genius.
It reminds me of a narrative I once read from a Lancaster tailgunner describing with stark fear as a German night fighter rose up from behind him out of the pitch black below. Though your trailing biker doesn't inspire that kind of fear, You could handle him much as the gunner did. If you've noticed the Blinky tail lite has a high intensity spot where that certain area behind it is extremely bright. If you could aim that high intensity spot remotely with something like a gun site. I think you get my drift. YOu could literally put that intensity right on his pupils. I swear that pulsing light sequence can induce an epileptic seizure. Or at least he would end up vearing away with spots before his eyes and extreme retinal fatique. ROFALMAO
OK OK I'm getting carried away again. Now you know what a fighter pilot means when he says he lit his target up. LOL


That's okay buyagain.
Thanks for the idea about aiming the tail light in the "light borrower's" eyes but I've thought of a much more effective solution. A nice bright headlight! On my mountain bike, I could turn my head around to face him. :lol:
On a recumbent, one cannot easily turn one's head so far, so I guess that I would need to make use of a bright LED rear light on the back of my helmet which could be aimed in the appropriate direction. :)
I could view my target in my rear view mirror to take aim. ;)

Edit. BTW This is all hypothetical. I'm not an evil bar steward, really. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Gromit wrote: On a recumbent, one cannot easily turn one's head so far, so I guess that I would need to make use of a bright LED rear light on the back of my helmet which could be aimed in the appropriate direction.
Gromit; you're not helping me. You know I get carried away. :p
This leads to 2 interesting points. You can place an LED light front and rear or anywhere for that matter if you let me show you how to control it with a joy stick and your very own "HUD" (Heads Up Display) projected onto your rear view mirror or even project your target on to the visor on your helmet. We could even arrange for you to handle up to 3 or 4 bogies at a time. LOL

What really fascinates me, though, is that LEDs can be designed to project quite a concentrated spot for quite a distance. Though I find this useless on bicycles or for anything else, for that matter, I've read that some of these flash-light (torch) aficionados take great pride in the "throw" that some of them can achieve. That is to say a rather narrow spot for quite a distance. Heck, If I could rig something like that it might even start a new sport. "Nite Flashing" Aught not to be using that term around here though. Some on this sight take that term to the worst scenerio. You know Teacherbill got caught driving naked once. LOL :lol: :D :mrgreen: :lol: :D


I fear that we may have drifted a little off-topic. :lol:
Though I guess that as the original poster buyagain, that's up to you to decide. ;) :)


Well-Known Member
Gromit wrote: I fear that we may have drifted a little off-topic.

Yeah, Your right so let's talk about Teacherbill instead.
You know the only thing really naked was his Cruz seat. You see, he has pulled the foam cushion from his seat and now he drives around with his seat naked. "Cruz seat", that is. LOL
I still espouse the original intent of this thread though. I think those 2 lights I wrote about are a real find.

PS I dont think this is the place to brag that my bike now has a 100 mile range between fillups either. LOL


Well-Known Member
buyagain wrote:

Yeah, Your right so let's talk about Teacherbill instead.
You know the only thing really naked was his Cruz seat. You see, he has pulled the foam cushion from his seat and now he drives around with his seat naked. "Cruz seat", that is. LOL

And it is still naked. Not too many miles since having to learn this new stuff for school.... Will be moving farther away from the school house near mid-December. 18 miles one way. One of these days I will get the handle on the school stuff and be like Marc and rack up the mileage commuting.
