CALPOLY Bike design class


Hello all,

The bike design class starts in September. We like to show the students as many different designs as possible at the start of the class. The plan is to have a demo day on September 27th. The first class will be riding at 9 am and the second will be riding at 1 pm.

You are all invited to come and visit with the students and show them your bikes. The stranger the better.
Unhappily, my grandsons have my Sofrider in Arizona, so I need a Cruzbike rider to come and join us.

The students will be at the Fibonacci spiral across the street from the library at the University in San Luis Obispo California.

Come and tell some lies and show off, what else is life about.

Bill Patterson
Chinkara single
M5 tandem
Many others
"Lords of the ChainRing"
Now available as a Kindle download

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
wpatters wrote: Hello all,

You are all invited to come and visit with the students and show them your bikes. The stranger the better.
Unhappily, my grandsons have my Sofrider in Arizona, so I need a Cruzbike rider to come and join us.

The students will be at the Fibonacci spiral across the street from the library at the University in San Luis Obispo California.

Come and tell some lies and show off, what else is life about.

Bill Patterson


I'm going to be up to SLO a few times in the coming months. My next trip is August 21, but I'll be up there plenty between now and December. Maybe we can get something together.
