Checking In

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Hi folks! I've been out of the loop for awhile and apologize. I've been thinking about all of you, wondering how your riding is going.

My work situation changed some and my mileage has suffered as a result. There's been some other things going on, as well, but overall, I'm well.

I got out this weekend for a few miles. I did 53 on Saturday and another 25 today (Sunday). A little slower than I like, but the Silvio is always so much fun to ride.

I will probably be checking in a little more regular now. I have some reading to do to catch up; I see some new names on here and looking forward to getting acquainted!


Doug Burton

Zen MBB Master
Good to hear from you.

I hear you on the work situation... haven't been on a bike in embarassingly long.

Lots of new stuff in the pipeline, though.

Should be an interesting spring/summer. Gas'll hit $5/gallon about the time the weather is good enough for commuting...



Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Thanks, Doug!

Yes, gas prices certainly look to make this a good year for commuting more. I've been missing the rides to work, but I've been starting earlier and staying later. Not a real good mixture with my commute. We've had a real cold and wet winter, too, which made it convenient to take a pass on the commuting.

I had other things get in the way, too. Last August, right before Labor Day, I woke up one morning and decided to start playing my trumpet again after a 30 year lay-off. I started taking lessons, which meant more practice was needed and let me assure you, trumpet is NOT an instrument you can practice at just any old hour!

Thanks for the welcome back!



Zen MBB Master

Just so you know, I could not decide between posting these two lines:
" Good to see you blowing your own horn"
-which sounds mean;
"Good to see you blowing your horn again"
-which implies that I knew that you are a musician!

Sincerely, it's good to hear from you.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
yakmurph wrote: Hi!

Just so you know, I could not decide between posting these two lines:
" Good to see you blowing your own horn"
-which sounds mean;
"Good to see you blowing your horn again"
-which implies that I knew that you are a musician!

Sincerely, it's good to hear from you.

Thanks a lot, Yak!

I'd go easy with that "musician" tag. Thirty years of rust has been no small task to overcome. I thought I could take a couple months of lessons/practice and be right back up to speed. Not even. It was seriously a matter of starting all over. A good deal of it came back pretty fast; I likened it to what it must be like to recover from amnesia. I found I was doing things and not even knowing why, just out of pure habit. The biggest things killing me are; I find that I don't read as well as I should and my fingers aren't as fast as they should be. I suppose I'll get it all back together. The other thins is my eyes are much worse than they were thirty years ago.

I joined the community Fourth of July band, which started rehearsals a week ago and was seriously humbled. I had kind of been prepared by a friend of mine that I should expect to be overwhelmed and I was! The rehearsal yesterday was night and day better, but I still have a ways to go.

Fortunately, getting my mileage back to par will be much easier!



Zen MBB Master
Heck, I have a hard time playing the banjo if I lay off for just a week...can't imagine starting up after 30yrs. More power to you though. I've been thinking about taking cello lessons and joining the local amateur symphony (banjo doesn't qualify somehow) but I got enough on my plate now w/o adding lessons, practice, etc.

This past winter has been a be-yotch but I now have my Conversion re-converted to 700c (w/V2 frame)...and it is now a completely different bike. Rides different, feels different...lower, of course and with feet a bit higher. I think it will be a bit faster than the old 26" least it feels like it after only 50 mi. of testing.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
trapdoor2 wrote: Heck, I have a hard time playing the banjo if I lay off for just a week...can't imagine starting up after 30yrs. More power to you though. I've been thinking about taking cello lessons and joining the local amateur symphony (banjo doesn't qualify somehow) but I got enough on my plate now w/o adding lessons, practice, etc.

This past winter has been a be-yotch but I now have my Conversion re-converted to 700c (w/V2 frame)...and it is now a completely different bike. Rides different, feels different...lower, of course and with feet a bit higher. I think it will be a bit faster than the old 26" least it feels like it after only 50 mi. of testing.

That's way cool! Are there pictures on here somewhere of your new ride? If not, you should post some!

Getting involved with a brass band has been a lot of fun. Sitting in the midst of all that sound is just incredible. I didn't realize how much I missed it.



Zen MBB Master
Mark B wrote: I woke up one morning and decided to start playing my trumpet again after a 30 year lay-off. I started taking lessons, which meant more practice was needed and let me assure you, trumpet is NOT an instrument you can practice at just any old hour!
It is possible to combine playing in a band and riding a bike

Mark B

Zen MBB Master

That's pretty cool, but I would not want to be the guy riding in front of the cornet player. I notice he's fairly considerate and plays off to the side, perhaps the result of a couple punches in the nose.... :lol:

I wonder if the front brake lever still works the brake, or is only tied to the cymbal? Might get interesting on a downhill with that much weight on board! :eek:


John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
trapdoor2 wrote: Heck, I have a hard time playing the banjo if I lay off for just a week...can't imagine starting up after 30yrs. More power to you though. I've been thinking about taking cello lessons and joining the local amateur symphony (banjo doesn't qualify somehow) but I got enough on my plate now w/o adding lessons, practice, etc.

I started back on the Piano last month, I like to play Chopin waltzes. It is hard to get the dexterity going again. I stopped due to getting a game-keepers thumb injury while awkwardly landing a Sofrider. (Stupidly ran into a curb.) The banjo has a big advantage over a piano in its portability!