Claire Smith, doing ultra Triathlons with a bent


Well-Known Member
As she is doing the TransAm marathon in USA in 2021, maybe Cruzbike is interested in approaching her to use V20 or S40 for the event?

The more allies the recumbent has, the better. Especially badass ones

Especially as she mentions she is having a hard time with tight turns

In 2017, I took on my first continuous Deca triathlon (10 x iron-distance). This involved swimming 38km, cycling 1,800km and finally running 10 marathons, back to back, all 422km of it. All the disciplines had their own challenges, the cold during the 20hr swim and the mind-numbing back ache that was my constant companion on the bike leg. But it was on the run where I truly experienced an all-consuming, agonising pain.

For me, I am fairly average. I’m not very good at running, I’m not fast on the bike, it’s doing something that is difficult but breaking it down and showing that the normal person can do stuff too. I have back issues which has led to quite a lot of problems, which is why I ride a recumbent bike, I am also asthmatic but it is continually saying I can do this and not letting anything stand in my way. If it does, I make mistakes, I learn from it and I try and change things, I try again, you just keep going.”

Q and A :

Can you explain a bit about your cycle during the continuous deca and your recumbent bike?

I have always experienced bad back pain on the bike section of long distance triathlons. I now know this is because I have Hypolordosis, which is a severe curvature of the lower (lumbar) spine. It affects disks L4/L5 and causes nerve pain and numbness. No painkillers work and it’s fairly difficult to manage. On the one-a-day events, at least I have a break after each bike section, but on the continuous, I was concerned that it may actually stop me and cause long-term damage.

The recumbent – McBender, as I bought him from Scotland – definitely worked for the back pain, but was slow and very difficult to ride around tight corners; Deca courses are small laps with lots of turns, so I ended up getting off at each turn because of this.

I ate small amounts when I was on the road bike – I couldn’t on the recumbent, as I would fall off! And then I would stop for Nutella Pancakes and mashed potato and spaghetti h
with cheese (not together!) a couple of times a day.


Thanks @Opik . I was unfamiliar with Claire Smith prior to reading this partial article, that lead me to the original article your snips came from. Claire Smith’s Insane 10 x Iron Distance Triathlon - Lessons In Badassery
Her website: Brutal Claire

She is an ambitious athlete.

I found one quote interesting.
How were you feeling off the bike for your 262 mile run during the continuous Deca?
I was so happy to get off the bike! I had felt a little isolated on the bike section, as none of the other athletes could speak to me, because I was lower to the ground and a lot slower than them. Once off the bike, I felt like me again and was able to chat to people.

I've not had this experience riding with others. Even during a 24hr ride. There was always someone ahead of me I chased down.

After reading about athletes like her. I realize some of my achievements pale in comparison.

Frito Bandito

Zen MBB Master
As she is doing the TransAm marathon in USA in 2021, maybe Cruzbike is interested in approaching her to use V20 or S40 for the event?

The more allies the recumbent has, the better. Especially badass ones
Is it possible to register for that already? Or did she just state her intentions to do it?
Edit: My apologies. I was thinking for 2022.
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Well-Known Member
Saying this as someone who would never begin to attempt a feat like this: It sounds like she needs more time on the bike.
From the way the interview reads, she decided that her back hurt and a recumbent would help, so she bought one and then basically took straight off for her mega triathlon. If she's that much slower than her peers and can't handle the bike well enough to eat while riding then she probably needs a proper fit and a bunch of miles to get her 'bent legs in.
It's not exactly a glowing report about recumbent riding. More of the same "I'm hurt and can't ride a 'real' bike so I'll try this thing out until I feel better" type of thing that I hear too often.

Frito Bandito

Zen MBB Master
She is a beast in endurance sports for sure, but you are right. People can't just jump on a 'bent from a DF bike and expect to smash their DF speeds right off the bat.

What would be nice is for recumbents to make a huge showing at ultra endurance races so people can see just how good 'bents really are.

Edit: TBH, I have 2 of those races in mind and ran it by the wife who is cool with it. She doesn't really understand that it is an individual effort for personal achievement and keeps telling me to go with a friend, none of which so far seem interested in going. But I think I'll be able to do one next year.


Well-Known Member
Recruiting a friend to do an ultra endurance race would be quite a feat
It takes a special sort (a real type 2 fun enthusiast) to want to do something like that.

Frito Bandito

Zen MBB Master
I have a friend who did ultra distance running, but you are right. Getting him to do it on a bike is a different story. And then again on a recumbent. At least he is crazy enough to do ultra distance so I'll keep hope for the feeler I put out to my cycling buddies last night.

Frito Bandito

Zen MBB Master
He read the message but hasn't replied yet. So far I haven't been blocked so there is still hope. Am I being overly optimistic?