Cruzbike rider crashes Vegan Cyclist's video editor!


Well-Known Member
if you follow YouTube cycling channels you'll know Tyler, The Vegan Cyclist. Tyler published a video of his experience in the Garden State Grand Fondo and the days leading up to the event. On the Thursday before the Grand Fondo, he joined the roadie club ride at my local park. I'm usually there several days a week, and I particularly like Thursdays. While I've ridden the back of the roadie peloton once or twice, I usually stick to my own training regimen. Still, with more cyclists in the park on Thursdays, traffic and people are more aware of us. Safety in numbers as they say.

For me it was just another routine ride. Until i saw this video I had no idea Tyler was there. Apparently he was just as surprised to see me as he took the time to edit a pan & zoom and then an operating system crash effect with me in the frame. It was a bit surreal to be sitting there watching and then see myself on screen.
It was all in good fun and I had a laugh. I've been a VC fan for a long while. He does excellent work. His cycling content is some of the best on YouTube. The one thing this illustrates though is that despite all the success of recumbents in general and Cruzbike in particular, people still react as though they are strange, bizzare, otherworldly creatures. I guess the only way to remedy that is to get out there on the road as much as possible. I can tell you that perhaps some of the roadies in my park might have thought my Cruzbike was strange when they first saw it, but now I regularly have some of them drafting off me when Im doing my laps. I call that acceptance. I call that progress. So a big Thank You to our YouTuber friend from California. There's no such thing as bad publicity. :)

You're not familiar with The Vegan Cyclist, check him out on YouTube.

A link to the Garden State Grand Fondo video:

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Donut Powered Wise-guy
Oh you're not the first he's come across, I've raced him on zwift as he live-streamed it and it was a laugh how hard he was working, I'm sure I was work just as hard but you can't see my face. He ended the video a little bitter because he didn't understand the lead rider was never in it, he seems like a nice guy even if still has a little of that bitter roadie in him.

Make sure to watch post-race because at 1:20:15 you'll see some funny in-game messages on the top right. This race took place before the recumbent forums told me bents can't sprint so apparently I had been breaking the laws of physics and risking a tear in the temporal universe :D

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Well-Known Member
Oh that's cool and very funny. I know your race rep. Roadies, and especially Tyler should have respect for that.

I was mostly kidding when I said I surprised Tyler. It was just a poke back for using a recumbent as comic relief. Had I known he was in the park that day I would have gone over to meet him. I also would have given him some good directions on how to get back to his hotel. ;-)

It's all good. It doesn't matter *what* you ride, it's *that* you ride.


Donut Powered Wise-guy
Dude him on the train and getting lost experience was damn near identical to mine when I was in Italy, down the to the time of day, wrong city and no smart phone(16years ago). At least he spoke the language where I was just totally fucked. I got a good laugh at that whole part.


Well-Known Member
When stuff like that happens on an adventure I tend to say "bad at the time, good for the story". It wouldn't be an adventure or worth talking about if absolutely everything went right and there was nothing to overcome. :)