D-FW Texas Area?


New Member
Hello, I've been looking into recumbents as an alternative to an upright bicycle for some time (Army injuries have worsened and prevent me from riding a traditional pain machine any longer).
After much research, it seems like a cruzbike would be my best option but I've never ridden a recumbent, much less a cruzbike.
Is there anyone in the DFW area that has one that would be kind enough to show me the ropes?

Thanks in advance!


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
If you can get down to the Austin Area, I have a vintage Q45 that can be used for teaching people how to right and it's still probably the best bike to learn on.


Active Member
Hey joe

I’m in north Fort Worth and have a S40 and a V20 and know some others in the frisco, the colony area.

from one vet named Joe to another, let me know if I can help.