First Cruzbike Ride in Months


Recumbent Quant
I don't ride as much as I used to, but I do ride 4 miles every day to and from the train station. Rain/sleet/snow I ride.

When it is snowy/icy, I ride my upright folding bike with studded tires. I could mount studded tires on my commuting Cruzbike, but given my angle, I think balancing on icy streets would be a bit too risky.

Today was the first warm day where there wasn't any black ice on the road, so I rode my red commuter.

Oh, how nice it was! Within a couple hundred feet I was riding no handed like I never took a break. And it was so much faster than my upright folding bike.

What. A. Joy.

O.k. That's all. Get back to whatever it is y'all were doing before you were silly enough to click on this link.



Zen MBB Master
I have ridden both my 'bents on slippery surfaces, but it is a bit scary. You can't get your feet down as quickly as you can on a DF.