First Fall Today


So today I learned about wheel spin. I have just a little over 80 miles on my 2021 Q45 now. I was coming off the bike path, riding up a paved apron to the parallel street slightly above and put too much "oomph" into it while turned and spun the wheel. The front end washed out before I knew what was happening. I got small raspberry on my leg and a couple of scratches on a brake lever, but all-in-all not bad. Definitely a learning experience. Next time, gentle turns while climbing or gentle peddling while turning!

Frito Bandito

Zen MBB Master
Not a bad way to learn about washing out to make yas focus well on the road condition when making a turn. I did it on my DF bike in some loose gravel on asphalt and it was embarrassing but had a similar injury to remind me and showed that it can happen on any bike. Glad you and the bike are ok.