I've been following the Cruzbike forum since August and really enjoy all of the useful info everyone contributes. I've learned a lot about Cruzbikes and hope to join you all as a Cruzbike rider some time in 2015. I am leaning towards a Vendetta, believing (I hope not too naively) that I can make the transition from my Bacchetta Ti Aero to the Vendetta without too much difficulty. Since following the forum, I have reclined my Aero seat back to a 27-30 seat angle, which I can ride just fine. Any more inclined and I can't see over the handlebars. So hopefully I will be able to handle the Vendetta's 20 seat angle.
I like challenges and am prepared to deal with a learning curve. Luckily I live in a relatively flat, rural setting in France so getting away from traffic on small country roads while I'm learning won't pose a problem. I hope to go faster and especially climb faster on a Vendetta than on my Aero, though I don't expect to be as fast as SPEEDY Larry and some of you other speed demons. Above all I'm just looking to expand my cycling experience.
I like challenges and am prepared to deal with a learning curve. Luckily I live in a relatively flat, rural setting in France so getting away from traffic on small country roads while I'm learning won't pose a problem. I hope to go faster and especially climb faster on a Vendetta than on my Aero, though I don't expect to be as fast as SPEEDY Larry and some of you other speed demons. Above all I'm just looking to expand my cycling experience.