For Sale: Conversion Kit , Softrider V2/K frameset and Extras


New Member

Hi All,

I am selling my Conversion Kit, V2/K Frameset , and Extras!

See Below



New Member
What X-Seam range will a V2K

What X-Seam range will a V2K / conversion kit support. I was unable to find a fit range on the website or the Conversion kit section of the forum.


Recumbent Quant
What X-Seam range will a V2K

What X-Seam range will a V2K / conversion kit support. I was unable to find a fit range on the website or the Conversion kit section of the forum.

On a conversion, it can be quite a large range as you can not only move the TFT (telescoping front tube) in and out 12", but you can also move the seat forwards and backwards. Even on the V2K frameset (same as Sofrider), you can move the seat several inches forwards and backwards.

How tall are you (or rider in question)? What is your x-seam and inseam?



New Member
Charles,     My X-seam size

My X-seam size is between 48 and 49 inches. I ride a Bacchetta Giro, and have been looking for an opportunity to move over to the Cruzbike line of bents. I figure I would start with a Conversion / V2K or a Quest. Like the idea of the conversion, price is lower and can accommodate a set of 700C wheels I already have. Seat height with 700C wheels should not be an issue for me, due to height.


Recumbent Quant
Hi ?Vadn1,
I've never

Hi ?Vadn1,

I've never measured my X-seam, so that won't help me (I know, I really should, but I haven't). I'm 6'1" and wear jeans with 32" inseam. On my Sofrider, I've got the seat as far forward as it goes and have the TFT on 7" (so I've got 5 more inches to go).

What's your height and your pant inseam?

I want to know, too...

Good question about the adjustability of the frameset and conversion kit. I am looking at this, too, and I've got a fantastic bike that would be great for the conversion, but if it wouldn't work for short-legged riders, I'll stop thinking about it. My x-seam is around 38".


New Member
   I am 6'1" and 34

I am 6'1" and 34 Inseam, so I figure this could work out for me.


Hi Vadn1,
"My X-seam size is

Hi Vadn1,

"My X-seam size is between 48 and 49 inches"

That's pretty long legged. The problem with the conversion kit is that to accommodate this length of leg, the TFT will likely be fully extended. As the chainstay is of fixed length, the bottom bracket has to travel down as well as out as it extends. I'm 6'2" tall, 45" x-seam and my conversion kit bottom bracket is way lower than my Bacchetta Giro's. Not so aero. Photos here.

The Silvio has a chainstay extender that solves this problem, not sure about Quest of Vendetta.


John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
Sofrider and Conversion Kit -

Sofrider and Conversion Kit - fixed chainstay
Quest - fixed chainstay length, but short ones available if you have the 20"
Silvio - extension in 100mm and 150mm available
Vendetta - three sizes, Small, Medium and Large - chainstay length varies accordingly