headset loose


New Member
Hi, I have a problem and have not been able to ride my bike. I received my bike Friday, April 5. I assembled it and found the headset to be loose. I then followed the supplemnetal instructions. I loosened the the two bolts on the pivot clamp and the pinch bolt on the Diatech ring clamp. I then tapped down the extension tube and made sure there was no gap between the pivot clamp and the Diatech ring clamp. It tightened the headset up, but it is still loose. To loose to ride. Two questions. Do I need to crank the Diatech ring clamp tighter. It is pretty tight now. I don't want to break anything. I also noticed there is a slight gap between the head tube and the Diatech ring. It's less then and 1/8 inch. Could this be the problem? I would appreciate any help concerning this issue.



Eric Winn

Zen MBB Master
Describe what you mean by loose

Hi Tim,

Can you provide more details and describe how it is loose and why this makes you unable to ride the bike?

For example, in http://cruzbike.com/SofriderV2-AssemblySupplement.pdf on page 11, Step 10, it states, " Hold the front brake on tight and rock the bike backwards and forwards. If there is any click or movement in the headset, then continue below to fine-adjust the bearings. "

Keep in mind if you rock backwards and forwards too firmly you will load and unload the front shock (and possibly the rear shock) which will probably tend to mask any headset bearing looseness unless they are grossly loose.

Do you see movement or hear clicks in the headset when you follow the above procedure?

On my Quest, the headset bearings were fine but the first time I rode it trying to pull out of a sharp turn by twisting pretty hard on the the handlebars, the pivot clamp was not tight enough and the handlebars twisted around on me while the front wheel kept turning in and down I went.

This can also happen if the handlebar stem is not tight enough on the top of the steering extension tube.

Both of these have to be pretty tight to prevent the handlebars from twisting out of alignment while riding - particularly when you are twisting the handlebars really hard to straighten out of a too tight turn. :)



Well-Known Member
Loose headset

According to the Softrider assembly supplement, Step 10-2, you are to "Tap (with a rubber hammer) the steering extension tube to make sure it is snugly down around the steering tube, AND then tap the pivot clamp down snugly onto the top of the DiaTech ring. Now secure the pivot clamp bolts."

In your post it sounds like you tapped down the extension tube, but you don't mention tapping down the pivot clamp onto the pinch ring, before tightening both. It's possible that you still don't have sufficient pressure on the bearing stack.


New Member
Loose Headset


Hey thanks, you know it just might be what I am feeling is the front shock. Totally forgot about that. I'm used to my DF road bike and it has no suspension. I will give it a ride and see what happens. Wished I would have tried to ride yesterday the temp was 86. Today however, it is 34, gotta love Texas weather, just turn around and it will change. I will give it a try Saturday temp is supposed to be 70.

Thanks again,



New Member
Loose Headset


You know this is why Cruzbikes site is so great. If you have a problem several people will jump in and help. But to answer your question when I tapped down the extension tube it closed the gap with Diatech ring. I then tightened the pivot clamp and then the pinch ring. I was kinda thinking along these lines with the pinch ring. There is a slight gap between the pinch ring and the dust cap on the headset. But, I think Eric may have the answer. I'm not used to front suspension and that may be the ultimate problem. I'm feeling the loading and unloading of the front suspension.

Thanks for your help,



Well-Known Member

Tim, it sounds like you and Eric resolved this one. And I concur with Eric - watch the videos. They're invaluable. Good luck in riding, and have a blast.