how tight is tight?


Well-Known Member
I don't recall seeing a suggested torque setting for the 2 screws marked with the red arrow here. Can I get a recommendation in foot lbs?
I don't ,for that matter, see anywhere a recommended max or min for the reed (old fashion type) in the stem adapter either. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
I just don't want the handle bars to twist in their setting.


Well-Known Member
defjack wrote: Its too tight when the screws break.Just snug them up + 1/4 turn. Jack

Hi Jack;
We call that "Tennessee tight" round here. LOL You know, now that I think back, I think I only had them California tight. LOL If you strip the threads without breaking the screw, I think you call that Aussie tight. right? :D

No more problems since i put that last 1/4 turn on em, Thanks Jack