I need some help.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Man, I need some help. Not that there's anything anybody but my insurance company could do for me.... Except maybe a beer.

I've been in a funk ever since the incident. Hard to explain, actually. I haven't felt much like riding and that's probably what I need the most. All I want to do is drink beer and feel sorry for myself. OR at least drink beer. I'm kind of excited at the prospect of building a couple bikes very soon. Once the check gets here, of course. I'll probably get on my wife's first and get it out of the way. I'm bothered that I have to wait for the check, then wait for the frame to deliver, then a couple days to build. I could probably endure much easier were it not for the fact I have to look at my poor, wounded Silvio, just hanging there. Sometimes, I think I hear her sobbing. Perhaps that's me. I could use a beer.

So, the weekend is coming and there will be rides. I'll take my conversion out and do some miles, all the while thinking about my Silvio, battered and lonely, just hanging there in the garage. I should take her apart and put her to rest, but I just can't bring myself to do it. It has to be done, eventually, so that the new Silvio might live. In the meantime, I can't help but leave her be; to celebrate our all too brief time together. She will be missed. Do I still have any beer?

I know that things will get better when the new bike is built. I know I will be equally fond of Silvio II. Once again, I will be tearing down the roads, my smiling face in the wind. Beneath me, a shiny, black beauty that you swear is smiling herself, giving every bit of herself to propel me faster and faster. As much as I lament for my Silvio, I can hardly wait to meet her sister. I wonder where she is right now? Is she warm, all snuggled up in her cardboard box on a shelf somewhere? I hope so. Is she anxious to meet me? I wonder? I think it's time, after all, to remove the jewelry from Silvio and prepare it for it's new owner; Silvio II. It's time to stop mourning and prepare for the celebration brought about when the mailman comes to my door. I can sense it already. There will be beer!

In the meantime, I must ride. I must prepare myself for the arrival of my fair beauty. I must shake off this feeling of remorse and frustration and just ride, for Silvio II soon will be here. Good Lord, I gotta lay off the beer...


Mark B

Zen MBB Master
johntolhurst wrote: The only thing better than a concubine, Mark, is a new concubine.

You know, John.... I know you're right. I've been trying to bear up to that. Tonight, I went out into the mancave, intent on removing the jewelry from her corpse. I see the mud streaked up the back of the seat and on the carboyoke; reminders of our last ride together on the bike path. Sadly, we were limping a weaker rider in. We only got to open it up because a Corsa passed us and we couldn't take it. We reeled him in and visited for awhile and that was it. A lump builds up in my throat. Then, I observe a tiny little spider. He loves my Silvio so.... He has taken the time to build his tiny little web on and around the rear suspension. So delicate, so fine and yet, bittersweet to me. I mashed his little a$$.

