Need advice on selecting a Cruzbike

Matt L

New Member
Some years ago I bought a used Rans VRex and loved it. I got into good enough shape that I wanted to try a triathlon. So I sold the recumbent and had a bike made for me here in St Louis. It’s a great bike and the most comfortable upright I’ve owned but it is still nowhere near a recumbent and I miss that. The upright is collecting dust so I decided to look at recumbents again.

I just discovered Cruzbike yesterday and I am very impressed and interested. I do have a few questions I could use help/advice on.

I am trying to understand what the major differences between the QX line and the T50 line would mean for me? I am heavy at 255 right now and would just ride on paved bike trails and roads mostly. Maybe 10-20 miles at the most.

Do the different lines have significantly different feels? Speed differences? Will one handle a larger rider better? I guess with the price aside how do I know which one will suit me better? Should I consider just a frame set because of my weight?

Cross-posted in QX forum.