New booms


Zen MBB Master
Got them on ok after all. First try the front of the chainring was way too high. Spent a couple of hours today and got the derailleur to work. Ended up bending the back of the derailleur down and grinding the back part of the cage.The angle is still not quite right but it does work. A good bike mechanic could have done this easily but I just had to try. Jack

Doug Burton

Zen MBB Master

Thanks very much for posting the picture.

This may be an optical illusion in the photo; I moved it to an application to allow me to blow it up...

It looks like the plane of the bolt head isn't parallel with the plane of the derailleur bracket. Is the fitting under the bolt symmetrical, or is it beveled in one direction to angle the derailleur?

Doesn't make much sense that it would be, just looking into the problem.




Zen MBB Master
Doug I tried the fitting under the bolt both ways and I still could not get the top of the cage any closer.It would be nice to be able to adjust the cage angle. Jack

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Boy.... Must be the light hitting my monitor screen just right. I thought the subject said "New boobs". :shock:



Zen MBB Master
After grinding and bending the derailleur the bottom was still to close to the chainring. Here is what worked for me. Filed out part of the countersink on the bracket so I could rotate the derailleur and replaced countersink screw with a round head and some washers. Went for a test ride today and shifting is spot on with no chainring drag.What do you guys think any opinions? Jack