Q45 less than 2 years old for sale in Fishers, Indiana Make an offer? Carl
ok. i’m very serious… planning to buy a cruzbike by end of March. Please make sure one of the pics includes you sitting on the bike. Thank youOnly one component; I changed the gear shifter lever to one that has a gear indicator. I no longer have any accessories on it. I'll probably have some pictures tomorrow.
I live 4.5 hours from you in Saginaw, Michigan. So I would drive down there and pay you in cash.First, what city do you live in or near. I do not intend ship it.
If you feel certain about putting it into your car, then Sunday is okay with me.
haha, no not that. But the Q45 is equipped with quick-release fasteners for transporting it through airports for folks who participate in 100-mile events. It’s one of the primary selling points of that model. I can remove the seat, handle bars and wheels to make it fit in my trunk. As of an hour ago I,m signed up for an event this summer here in Michigan. And I have miles of converted rail trails to ride where I live.What are you suggesting? Do you wish to dismantle your new bike and take home a pile of parts?