rear / tail light - rack mounting solution


New Member
I have really been enjoying commuting on my Quest v2. Days are now getting shorter and having abandoned the idea of a hub dynamo due to lack of reasonably priced solutions, I have bought a standard handle-bar mount rechargeable light for the front and am looking for a rack-mounted light for the rear. Unfortunately the Quest v2 rack has no mounting holes for a light and I have difficulty in seeing how I can mount a light on the back of the rack without it swivelling down towards the ground.

Has anyone already solved this problem or can anyone suggest a solution?

I haven't disassembled my rack so I have no idea if it is steel or aluminium. I guess if it was steel I could have a plate welded to it...

I would love to see pre-built 451 wheels with a dynamo hub available from cruzbike...


low wong

my solution, for your reference.



New Member
Thanks for the picture! It

Thanks for the picture! It looks like a very good solution. Did you make the piece yourself or did you find a supplier?
What I love about your solution is how obvious it looks. Like most inventions - once you've seen it - it is obvious! I'm going to start digging around my workshop to see if I can find a suitable piece of metal I can bend :)


low wong

yes, I did it all by myself.

A piece of metal from local diy shop, I make the shape, drill, and spray paint, then installed. have fun.