Record Collection

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
I aim for Cruzbike to have an extensive collection of records. :shock: Here is what I am making room for in my trophy cabinet: :cool:

mens and womens records for unfaired bicycles: 200m, 1km, 40km, 100km, 100mile, 200km, 200mile, 6hour, 12hour, 24hour

The lot basically. :oops: I feel the FWD MBB bent format has more development potential than the RWD variety and I feel that if you look at the best woman's bacchetta 12 hour result it is a fair bit shy of the new Cruzbike 12 hour record. I also think Maria's 12 hour result compares very favourably to the men's 12 hour recumbent distance record.

This is why I am working on the Cruzbike TT project. Early testing indicates my TT design is on track to be faster than Silvio. :twisted:

Will people think I am mad crazy to think this is possible? Probably. :ugeek: Will that stop me having a go? Nope. Success or failure, we are going to have a ball! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Zen MBB Master
johntolhurst wrote: - Success or failure, we are going to have a ball! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Admit it: you're having a ball, right now!

It'll only get better.



I predict that Cruzbikes will be attracting top-calibre athletes,
as the potential of your MBB bicycles becomes more widely known.

Maria's records speak volumes!

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
yakmurph wrote:
Admit it: you're having a ball, right now!

It'll only get better.



I predict that Cruzbikes will be attracting top-calibre athletes,
as the potential of your MBB bicycles becomes more widely known.

Maria's records speak volumes!

Ummm ... okay :oops: I am elated! :twisted: in a twisted evil kinda way. I've even started referring to the competition as butt-chedar - thanks to my son who coined the term. :)

I think the FWD has potential we havn't tapped yet. I am already faster on my prototype TT bike than I was on Silvio and there is a long way to go on its development.

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
You will be the first to know, Jim. I think once the Vendetta is established we might recruit some proper young real cyclcing athletes and just let em loose to clean up everything.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
I think these are exciting times in the Cruzbike world. Pretty cool to have been on the "ground floor", so to speak!



Well-Known Member
This thing is going to get big. And I'm going to head up the "Moto" chapter of the Cruzbike revolution. Like it or not, Mark, there is room for us imitation bikers too. :lol: LOL Photos to follow of my GEBE rigged Avalon. Correctly designed Motor Cruzers have a place in the scheme of thing too.

Is it too soon to ask for Marie's and John Tolhurst's autograph.

I do get a little carried away, don't I?.

Please add my "Congradulations" to both Marie and John in their winning ways.

PS I'm not a high caliber biker but I'm a attracted to this Cruzbike thing and I'm just High caliber in general. :D


New Member
Hi John,

Since you are aiming at records, any chance of a carbon fiber Silvio, or some other ways to lighten the frame/boom? I'm thinking that a lighter Silvio is a faster Silvio. Thanks!

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
Thanks for the question, carbon fiber is surely a nice way to go. The carbent shows what the effect of carbon is on a design.

The focus of my work is to identify the design solution. I use 7005 alloy. Its flexible, easy to work with, adequately light for now. When I can no longer improve the aero-ergo-structure equasion, when I have reached an endpoint on design improvements, then I will switch to carbon. My new Silvio TT design will be quicker than Silvio. And I can see potential to improve the Silvio TT past where I am designing for now, but it has to be one known great solution and then move to another complete great solution. When those significant step improvements become difficult to achieve, it will be time for carbon.

Introducing a new configuration of bicycle as we are doing involves solving fundamental new problems. Switching to carbon won't help make the true advances that are beckoning. Its just time. If people keep on buying we'll keep on building better and better bikes.


Zen MBB Master
Why not use magnesium? it has the same density as carbon fiber epoxy, and it can be molded, which i expect is faster and cheaper to mass produce.

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
to build a bike, you need a bike industry. I am using the bike industry in Taiwan because there no proper bicycle industry in Australia. Taiwan is the same time zone as where I live and is very strong in all types of widely used frame building materials. Magnesium is not one.


Zen MBB Master
John Tolhurst wrote: Jon,
to build a bike, you need a bike industry. I am using the bike industry in Taiwan because there no proper bicycle industry in Australia. Taiwan is the same time zone as where I live and is very strong in all types of widely used frame building materials. Magnesium is not one.
I know it is not widely used. But it does happen occasionally. The reason i like the idea of using magnesium is because it weight pr. cubic cm is the same as carbonfiber/epoxy. 1,7 gram/cm3. Aluminium is 2,7 gram/cm3. And because it is a metal it can be molded which i consider a less human time consuming manufacturing process than carbon fiber + epoxy. Possibly also welded and pressed into shape.

What i dont know if it is strong enough.


Well-Known Member
Hi John;
Makes perfect since to me. The economy of using existing production material, that is. I feel certain there is a manufacturer in Taiwan that competes with anything else in the world. OK Japan and Germany or even England might be the exception but the economy numbers drives me right back to Taiwan. So I hope you are finding a manufacturer to network with in your coming endeaver.
The-truth-be-known, a good Steel bike will compete with anything I've seen in aluminum. As far as any other exotic materials I doubt the space on these chat pages is in the scope of discussability . Not to mention the complexities of "compression", "tension", and "shear" strengths of these various materials.

From the start the essence of the Cruzbike , as i see it, has been has been a rethinking and creating with existing bike technology. I wish you continued success and indeed maybe in our own little ways we are all helping each other.
