Road Bike Seat Bags on SILVIO-Photo

First, I will accept the mantel of "weight weanie".
That is not slander to me, it ,in fact, drove my decision to buy the Silvio.

So I have added a road bike seat bag to the Silvio using the rear triangle damper as a seat-post (ie, road bike) and modifiying the back of the seat to function as saddle rails (ie, road bike saddle). I could have bolted some rods fashioned into rails on the back of the seat to provide the same anchor, but again I repeat, I am a weight weanie and "tis better to take weight off the bike than to add weight to the bike"--Rule #1.

Secondly, I may be in the same camp with the philosophy expressed on "Doug Burton's tee shirt" --seen on the posts he makes on this forum--"I Void Warranties". Oh, well it is a long way from Indiana to Australia anyway, so warranty work does not seem likely--besides there is that "racing thing" I do with Silvio and that usually takes care of all warranty questions. "They tell me sir that you race this bicycle......enough closed!! These things I know from the beginning and I am fine with them.

If anyone is so inclined to follow my lead, then you too are on your own. But I think nearly every road bike seat bag could be used on the Silvio for those short club rides or supported tours where all you need is enough to fix a flat, have a few hex wrenches, your cell phone and money.


Here is a link to the album of photos taken during the modification--no captions.
First Silvio ride after the modification was 3 days ago and covered about 37 miles. I could not feel the seat bag straps nor feel any flex in the upper seat back.
