Well-Known Member
Hi All
I have been looking at the extracycle conversations of the cruzbike and wondering if the extracycle accessorys could be added to the cruz without using the long tail wheel base extension. this is probable only possible as the cruzbike doesn't suffer from heel strike.
I have traced a longtail cruzbike and then retraced the bike with the back wheel center back to its orginal position.
It certainly looks as if it fits and extracycle have open sourced their design so the longtail layout can be copied without fear of copyright problems.
I thought it was an interesting idea.
I have been looking at the extracycle conversations of the cruzbike and wondering if the extracycle accessorys could be added to the cruz without using the long tail wheel base extension. this is probable only possible as the cruzbike doesn't suffer from heel strike.
I have traced a longtail cruzbike and then retraced the bike with the back wheel center back to its orginal position.
It certainly looks as if it fits and extracycle have open sourced their design so the longtail layout can be copied without fear of copyright problems.
I thought it was an interesting idea.