Excuse the double posting, I want people to find this note.
Some comments on the scissor jack. This applies to V2.0 that have already been shipped. The manual current shows the scissor jack installed through a hole on the HF tube. That is for the next production, done to try to make this less confusing.
Here is a picture of Vendetta, Silvio is the same, showing how the scissor jack fits:
Each wing is a U section, and with the open end facing up.
I had them put into a rubber sleeve to keep the unit together. Its possible some were shipped with the bolt entering the wrong side.
The screw pushes against the floor of the tube.
The barrel nut is a close fit. A smaller diameter barrel nut would mean the wings won't push out far enough.
I went with the scissor jack rather than internal clamps. Clamps are easier to understand perhaps, but not as neat. I want the headrest to project smoothly out of the frame. Hard to make the headrest legs any closer together.