Silvio 1.5 For Sale

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
For sale Silvio 1.5. The bike was manufactured in December 2011. I received the bike used in February 2013 and started riding it in April. I put about 1400 miles on the road before I stopped riding it in early July. I like the bike but each time I ride it with my lower back problems, I need to get off the bike every 10 miles after 40 mile mark.
I have the Ultegra triple/10 speed group 52-39-30 in front with a 28-11 in the rear. I have no problem hill climbing or hitting 30 mpg in the flats. I think it is a good all-around setup, NeuvaFtion wheels, and a Bachetta seat bag. This is the fastest recumbent I have ever ridden, I hate to give it up.

I am asking $2400 plus shipping. I can be contacted at for more information.



Buy and Sell Forum

You might have better luck placing your ad for this magnificent machine in the "Buy and Sell" forum.



Are there any photos on

Are there any photos on another part of this forum? I am actively looking for a used Silvio.



New Member
i think its sold???...I

i think its sold???...I contacted the seller a few weeks ago and he had a sell pending.
