Silvio and Rotor cranks

Michael McGuire

New Member
I am interested to know if anyone has experience, on a Silvio, using an elliptical Rotor crank. I understand the Rotor is more efficient than a standard crank. On a well-designed bike is its effect even better or, is there a limit to what the Rotor technology can provide? Mike, Santa Rosa, CA

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
I am interested to know if anyone has experience, on a Silvio, using an elliptical Rotor crank.

... Hi Mike
... Maria Parker used ellipticals on her record ride.

... Tom Traylor made his own rotor cranks before the rotor company was even thought of

I understand the Rotor is more efficient than a standard crank.

... so they say, and it might be worth its weight in many situations

On a well-designed bike is its effect even better or

... probably has more to offer a poorly designed bike, as it smooths the power output and avoids spikes that produce maximum frame flex.

, is there a limit to what the Rotor technology can provide?

... correct. Well adjusted ellipticals are worthwhile in my view. My article on the subject: