Silvio Apprenticeship Continues

Bruce B

Well-Known Member
The Silvio was on the road before the sky had completely lost the gray of early morning. The new Dinotte lights, fore and aft, lit the pavement. The drivers of the few cars on the road had no difficulty seeing this bike.

Two miles from home the road became wet from a gentle rain that lasted about ten minutes, enough to muddy the bike and me. We have all been in worse conditions.

My ride today was 48 miles, the longest so far on the Silvio. Time was 3:21 for an average speed of 14.3 mph. The first 35 miles or so were on flat country roads and the rest on hilly roads along Interstate 10 and wide residential streets closer to home. I coasted down several hills at a little over 30 mph and in control. If I spun the pedals with only a little load I had difficulty keeping the front wheel straight so I did not try to push the speed higher.

I am now able to keep on a straight track much better and I even rode a way with just one hand on the bars. I can now actually indicate to other traffic in which direction I plan to turn.

As I had mentioned in a previous thread I was having difficulty pulling away from a stop. Practice is overcoming that hurdle, that and Frog pedals. Today I was even able to stop several times with one foot down and the other latched to a pedal and then pull away again. As others have noted, shift down to a much lower gear ratio before stopping.

I have been quite surprised how long and easily I have been able to ride on the 52 chain ring and in the 12-15 cassette sprocket range. I rarely was able to do that consistently before the Silvio. Aerodynamics are evident!

The weight forward characteristic of the unloaded bike itself has come in quite handy on three occasions. Loose dogs. When one starts chasing I hit the brakes and bring the bike to a complete stop while planting my feet and standing up while remaining astride the seat. Because of the low weight of the unpowered rear wheel I am able to lift the bike and instantly swing it around 180 degrees and face down the challenge which so far has resulted in a quick retreat by the dog. When I have a lot more miles under my belt and the wind is favorable I will just out ride the beast.

Tomorrow? Football or Bike?
