So I finally tried a Vendetta


New Member
I also posted this on bentrider

So I finally tried a Vendetta, thanks to Charlie Ollinger at the Northbrook HPRA races Saturday (we're about the same x-seam). Thanks Charlie!

This is the first time I've ridden a MBB bike.

Couple of notes:
I found it pretty easy to make it go; I slid into the seat, sort of braced my arms for the countersteer and gave it a push. Oversteered. Stop. Tried a second time (now I was ready for it), and zip, your rolling. Rode it out into the parking lot and was doing loops. I was wearing gym shoes on Charlie's Look pedals. I think it'd be easier to start clipped in (like on my M5 M-Racer)

The counter steer- that's what I call having to balance the reaction force from the pedal stroke with your arms- is not too bad, that said, I didn't really floor it. It's easy to pedal around corners and it's really quick for the power I was inputting (not too much).

The pivot from the MBB is off the hips, not the knees so it should be fine for folks like me with bad knees.

I did notice it in my shoulders- but was probably bracing the bars more than I needed to as I didn't want to crash someone else's bike. I can see that it does give you an upper body workout. If I were climbing a hill I'd definitely recruit my arms/shoulders in the motion. But initially the sensation is pretty odd compared to a RWD.

I found the seat angle comfortable, even if it's more upright than what I'm used to. The steering is very smooth- Mr. Tolhurst has hit the sweet spot on the geometry with this one.

A fun ride, I can see why they're popular. Now I have to look into getting one.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
Just in time

Just in time for the next kid up to steal your M5. It only gets better after you adapt to the bike.

Eric Winn

Zen MBB Master
And as I responded on BROL, I

And as I responded on BROL, I think he made the v2 just a bit sweeter handling.


Robert Holler

Staff member
Riding a Vendetta (or any

Riding a Vendetta (or any Cruzbike) is like popping open that can of your favorite Pringles.....