So I wanted one of these...

Doug Burton

Zen MBB Master

But I couldn't find one locally and I'm out of time to order one - MS150 this weekend.

I happened to visit my dad on the way home from work today, and he had this ready to throw in the trash:


It's a Folgers Instant Coffee container.

Hmmm... says I....


Behold! COFFEE-ROCKET! - shown below holding 1 700c tube, one Topeak Alien multitool, and a CO2/minipump, plus a rag to wipe hands and eliminate rattles.


Moral: never throw anything away if you can stick it on yer bike!


Zen MBB Master
That's a giant leap ahead better than dumpster-diving; the price is right too.
That saving money thing can get way out of hand:
If you're not careful, you may sock away enough to afford either the Carbon or the Titanium Edition Silvios (when they're unveiled)!


Active Member
Good thinking :) I think it needs to be shiny and black to go with your Silvio though... ;)

Out of curiosity, what is that fancy container in the photo? I've seen the BBB tools 'n' tubes bottles before, but nothing quite that elaborate.


Active Member
Hotdog wrote: Out of curiosity, what is that fancy container in the photo? I've seen the BBB tools 'n' tubes bottles before, but nothing quite that elaborate.
Nevermind, my cunning dective work (i.e. checking the image filename) has revealed that it's a Cage Rocket. Perhaps slightly overengineered for some people's purposes, but they look like a well designed product, and they're not expensive. They look good, too.