Sofrider Seat - Comfort


New Member
Dear Community:

...Been researching info. about Cruzbike's and came across a review on Amazon regarding the Sofrider. The customer gave it a one star and mentioned the seat was uncomfortable and they decided to return the bike. (two other reviews gave 4 stars) Without ever trying the sofrider seat myself, can any one tell me what they like/enjoy about the seat..? If its relevant, what they feelis a con regarding the Sofrider seat?

(Maybe its just me, but I'm just a bit nervous about ordering online whilst I have never sat in one nor drove a Cruzbike...yet).

Thanks kindly for the advice.

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
more about the reviewer, sometimes

Sometimes a review says more about the reviewer than the reviewee.

There is lots of ways to get support, for things such as:

1) getting the set up correct for the individual
2) getting the learning done, some need a more methodical approach than others

Its disappointing to hear someone like that reviewer not bothering to get the seat adjusted, nor to learn. There is no secret to how to learn the bike, its all clearly explained here: as well as elsewhere on our site.

If someone buys and then presumes the bike be ridable on the basis of their previous riding experience, whatever that may be, it is not a good recipe. This bike is different. It can be learnt, but it is different.


Recumbent Quant
I'm one of the three

I'm one of the three reviewers at Amazon (not the one star guy). I like the seat more than I expected to. Some people find they want to replace the pads (such as David Byrne who rode his Sofrider over 26,000 miles) ; so far I'm happy with what came on the bike.

I think that Cruzbikes aren't for everybody, but I think that most people who think about it and then decide to try it find that they like it. I certainly did. (<shameless plug>You can read about my experiences with my sofrider here</shameless plug>).

I'm sure you've got more questions than just the seat, so keep 'em coming.



Zen MBB Master
People new to the  Cruzbike

People new to the Cruzbike design need to have an open mind. This is a different kind of bike and requires a different riding technique compared to the regular upright bicycle or a rear-wheel-drive(RWD) recumbent for that matter. New/prospective riders should not expect to jump on these bikes and just ride away.

Most people forget how long it took them to learn to ride a regular upright as children. It was rarely instanteneous. It generally took several days and a patient parent. Now fast-forward to your cruzbike and you may already have some advantage in the sense that you may already have some balancing skills to start with, the rest will be new.

A good attitude, an open mind and some patience are the key ingredients. Then a willingness to follow instructions on the firts ride is crucial. Once the basic skill is acquired, one can tweak the seat, padding, gear ranges e.t.c to their liking.

My humble 2 cents....