T50 framesst right for me?

greetings and salutations. I am new to the Forum and have been looking at Cruz bikes for quite some time. I currently own one recumbent, a performer front wheel drive with 451 wheels. I very much enjoy the bike, but the small wheels means it is lacking on longer rides. basically, I'm looking for something I can do metric and Century events with out on country roads and keep up with my weekend riding buddies.

I was considering T50 frameset and modifying it to make it more sportier.

I'm wondering I'm wondering if anyone here has had luck modifying the t-50 to something approaching a poor man's Silvio



I'm wondering I'm wondering if anyone here has had luck modifying the t-50 to something approaching a poor man's Silvio[/QUOTE]

I have had success at modifying my T50, I can do 60-100 miles with no issues. I am very happy with the resulting ride. If I were doing it over I might start with 650B, or 700c wheels, but mine is a commuter and excersise bike, I rarely ride more than 40 miles at a time.

Check out the attached picture and the following threads titled:
T50 with road bars and controls
T50 with a Thor seat
My T50 Emiljay mod.
Let me know if you have any questions.