I was very surprised when
I was very surprised when Lance announced he wasn't going to fight. And I didn't (and still don't) think that just because he doesn't fight doesn't make him guilty. I wanted to believe that he was innocent, but I was willing to believe that, unfortunately, he wasn't.
The evidence the USADA released, however, convinces me he is guilty. Before the reports came out, it was clear to me that if his loyal lieutenant Hincape, who I had never accused of doping, came out and said that it happened, it was going to be pretty hard to ignore. Either they convinced a lot of people who weren't doping to say they were, or they were doping and not getting caught. And if they were doping and not getting caught, then regardless of whether you believe their testimony about Lance, then the drug tests are almost worthless (and they are now saying that several of his blood passport results are consistent with doping).
I don't think he could have gotten away with what he did if the UCI really wanted to stop him. And I don't think US Postal was the only team that doped (although like they were in racing, they may have been the best at it).
What bothers me isn't that he doped. It isn't that he lied about it (I don't see how you can dope and not lie about it if you expect to keep doping and racing), it is how aggressive and, well, just mean he was going after people who threatened to bring down his house of cards. If half of what came out is to be believed, I think it is a fair statement to say that Mr. Armstrong is just not a very nice person.
He was a phenomenal cyclist. I don't think that he was doping and all of his competitors weren't. So, the fact that he was doping doesn't take away everything from his accompliments. But doping isn't safe and it needs to be out of the sports so that our children can play and not have to worry about this crap.
I participate on this forum, Bent Riders Online (BROL), and BikeForums.net (and even a few others). What surprises me the most is the difference between bikeforums.net and BROL. On Bike Forums.net site, where they have roadies who are not only fans of bike racing, but (in their own mind at least) walk the walk with the uncomfortable bikes and silly outfits, the response is quite one sided and it is pretty much clear to everybody that he doped. On BROL, there is still a strong and loud minority (I think, err.. hope) that are still saying that it isn't Lance, but that the USADA is just a horrible organization that doesn't play fair and is just out to get Lance. While I think there is legitimately room to discuss how the USADA did everything and if they did it correctly or not, I would have thought that the evidence would really start to speak for itself.
Is it possible that Lance is an angel and that all of these people lied to bring him down? Yes.
Is it likely? Not at all, in my opinion. I guess I'm just somewhat surprised had how varied the opinions are here.
After reading all of this, I realized I haven't answered Andrew's question at all. I think the UCI did mostly the right thing. I think they needed to come out more strongly against doping by agreeing to look at their part in this and I think that until they do that, it will be hard to get rid of doping here.
As far as John's (some what sneaky) suggestion that we allow Vendettas to race, I would love to see large organized races where people can ride whatever they want. But it will be a different race than what we see in the current UCI racing. I think the teamwork is fascinating and I like it.
I think we have something of a chicken and egg problem. The best athletes aren't going to ride recumbent bicycles until we can have a race where we have a very good DF rider lose a race to a recumbent rider (by very good, I mean Wiggo, Cadel Evans, Fromme, Contador, etc). I don't think that's even possible until there is a rider of their caliber who is willing to train the big boys do, but on a recumbent. And I don't see that happening anytime soon.
No races for very high end recumbent riders -> no motivation to have very high end recumbent riders -> No opportunity for recumbent rider to beat top tier DF rider -> no races for very high end recumbent riders.
(I mean no disrespect for Maria, Jim and the likes, but they aren't 20 something-year olds with no other job than riding a bicycle. They might have children* who could qualify, but professional bicycle racing seems like kind of a crappy life to live once you look into the details, so I'm certainly not going to suggest that path for them, regardless of the whole "You can't race recumbents" problem which makes it even more silly/painful a choice)
* I'm mentioning Jim and Maria's children just because I believe that given both of their parents physical abilities, the children might (or might not) have them too.