True folding cruzbike


Is there any possibility of a true folding cruzbike, similar to Chrisblessing's one? I'm in the market for one. My ideal recumbent would a folder that I could put in the trunk for day trips. A conversion kit is nice, but a compromised bike. What kind of demand is there? What does John think?


Well-Known Member
folding Cruzbike

Hi Kungfuguy,

I think I'd disagree with your assessment of a bike with the Cruzbike Conversion kit as being "compromised". While it certainly does not have the finished appearance of the pre-built models on offer, there isn't much compromise in functionality and/or performance, aside from the lack of disc brakes and the use of those dodgy hose clamps (which I eliminated on the seat).

I was able to pack my folder, plus gear, into a Dahon Airporter Mini suitcase, sans one wheel, which I carried on, on a recent trip from Kuala Lumpur to Chiang Mai, Thailand. Packing time was about 15 minutes, while re-assembly was about 30. I've been riding 40-80 km daily in and around the city, and it performs exceptionally well.

I have a new wheel set with the NuVinci N360 on order, and have already installed a Patterson-Metropolis CVT. When complete the conversion kit will have a gear inch of roughly 17-102, with no derailleurs, which will speed up tear-down and re-assembly. It will be heavier than I'd wish for, at 16 +- kg, but I'm fine with that.

I don't pretend that this is a Quest; done again I might choose to buy one. But I am nothing but pleased with this bike that I built and thoroughly enjoy.



Well-Known Member the way

On a recent morning ride here in Kuala Lumpur, I was faced with a flat tire situation which I couldn't resolve on the road. After a 3 km walk I was able to hail a taxi. Imagine his surprise when I popped off the seat, folded the bike and placed it into the trunk, in the space of 1/2 a minute.