Vandetta Newbie Intro


New Member
HI, All .... not sure if this is the appropriate forum for an intro, if not I'll just have to learn to live with the crushing guilt. *Admin, feel free to move to the right forum?*

I'm a long-time crit racer and trackie (sprinter, kilo and kierin) and am now in a position to add a recumbent to the bike stable upon the strong recommendations of several medical professionals. I've had the opportunity to test out some 'regular' recumbents and found them pretty disappointing; I'm a big guy and relatively short efforts of big horsepower are clearly my forte. The 4+ft long drivetrains, multiple idlers and frame design of those bikes made them feel like wet noodles. I rode a Meta, a Bacchetta and a Performer, all of them felt alarmingly flexy at even moderately hard efforts (600 W or higher). My frustrating search led me to CruzBike and I've read every review, article, blog and related forum posting that I could find.

I'm convinced the Vandetta is my best hope of a recumbent suited to my riding style and I ordered a frameset last week. My shop is filled with about 30yrs worth of accumulated bike parts, building the V with my road components shouldn't be a problem. All of my high end wheels are for my track bikes so I may need to build a go-fast pair for the V later on sometime, but not any time soon.

I've been training with power data for a few years and have a ton of accumulated power files -- it will be interesting to compare power vs. performance between a Vandetta and my upright bikes.

So .... hopefully I'll have something worthwhile to contribute to the discussion at some point in the future.


Eric Winn

Zen MBB Master
Welcome aboard Carl! Looking

Welcome aboard Carl! Looking forward to hearing more about the results of your comparisons after you've had the Vendetta for a while.

I'm about 350 miles or 5.5 hours northeast of you. I'm basically a relative newbie to performance and/or serious biking and have a Vendetta on the way too.

Perhaps we'll be able to ride together at some point in the future and I can pick your brain for pointers and other pertinent info.


Andrew 1973

Zen MBB Master
30 yrs worth of accumulated bike parts?

Oh, I'd love to see your garage!

In reading your brief "bio", I can't help but think that your track experience has earned you a smooth spin; something that is essential, in my opinion, for riding a MBB bike such as the Vendetta.

Any chance you have a rear derailleur you're looking to part with? I am playing with different configurations for my commuter bike and am running a 1 x 3 set up, but my Suntour AR derailleur looks like a torture device rather than something to shift across three cogs with.