Vendetta 2.0 for sale in So CA


New Member

Frameset only. Size M. New condition. 1 week old. Ridden twice. Has 2 tiny 1/8" scratches near rear wheel axle that came with bike. Boom slider cut 2" to make it fit my 42" x-seam. Will easily adjust to rider over 6". Will deliver to LBS- You pay to pack and ship. The MBB thing is not for me. Have all paper, stock bars, spare parts and unused large t-shirt $2500. 508-737-4873

Andrew 1973

Zen MBB Master
How much for just the T-Shirt?

I wouldn't mind taking the Cruzbike T-shirt off your hands. PM me if it's for sale separately.



New Member

After a couple more rides under my belt I'm putting the sale on hold for awhile. Maybe I can master this thing without getting killed or trashing it. Maybe. It does seem to have the capability to go fast and I am a self propelled speed junkie. However, I still have some issues with it that I'm not sure I can overlook. See: "How big of a learning curve..." for details.
The t shirt can go to Andrew. I think Cruzbike needs to offer something a bit more subtle here.

Tom Roberts

Active Member
Stick With It

My suggestion is to stick with it until you get it. Like Jim Parker says, "Anyone can learn to ride a Cruzbike. It might take some 5 minutes and others 5 days, but anyone can learn." (I hope that quote is accurate). Cruzbike riders don't possess some special ability that others don't have, they just practiced until they got it. In my case I started with the Sofriders, then went to the Silvio, then to the Vendetta. You have started with the most extreme of the three so given it some time. Find a big empty parking lot (or something comparable) and ride round and round until you have it down. How many times do you get to learn to ride a bike in your life? Enjoy the experience. Once you master it you may find your other bikes good for collecting dust. The Vendetta is a lot of fun to ride. Mine was one from the first production run so I have had it for about two and a half years. In that time I have accumulated probably 20,000 miles plus. (Just got in from a 67 mile ride). You can do it.