Very Interesting Indeed
Hi Mr.V,
I for one will look forward to your comparison of RWD lowracers and the Vendetta.
I shall be interested to hear how you find the compact crank drive of the Vendetta. If the bike is as fast as it is attributed to be, you may want to change the cassette to an 11-28 that is available in the Ultegra range, and possibly go to a larger chain ring, more your 53-39. I wonder.
My Silvio has the same compact-crank and pedal length, but uses the 12-27 cassette that is no longer available in the Ultegra range. (I have managed to get hold of a long cage derailleur to allow me to use the 11-28 cassette (that has replaced the 12-27) at some stage when the current cassette 'wears out', as it no doubt will.)
I take it from the above post that you have not ridden a FWD recumbent before. But you have the advantage of riding recumbents though.
Oh, and welcome to the forum. I for one am still getting used to the new format compared to the old forum; so maybe this is a good time to join the forum!