Vertical storing hanging from a wall?


Zen MBB Master

Can a Silvio stand up to Vertical storing hanging from a wall like on the picture below?


Dave Killen

New Member
I hope so as this is the way they are hung in baggage cars on Amtrak here in the states, at least from Eugene, Oregon to Vancouver, B.C.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Why do you think it might not hang like that, Jon?

That's more or less how I store mine.



Zen MBB Master
Mark B wrote: Why do you think it might not hang like that, Jon?

That's more or less how I store mine.
I consider Silvio very delicate and my Freerider crude-go-anywhere. Like a woman and a man. It's a road bike, and you have to take gently care of it.
JonB wrote:
Mark B wrote: Why do you think it might not hang like that, Jon?

That's more or less how I store mine.
I consider Silvio very delicate and my Freerider crude-go-anywhere. Like a woman and a man. It's a road bike, and you have to take gently care of it.

Does this mean we will be getting ride reports from you on a Silvio in the near or distant future? :?: :cool: :)



Zen MBB Master
Peder Torgersen wrote:
JonB wrote: I consider Silvio very delicate and my Freerider crude-go-anywhere. Like a woman and a man. It's a road bike, and you have to take gently care of it.

Does this mean we will be getting ride reports from you on a Silvio in the near or distant future? :?: :cool: :)
I dont know. I am reluctant to buy one, because i am afraid that my driving style, weight and general handling would trash it. But i do consider it, because i can either go further using the same time, or go faster on the same distances. Or so i hope, and i think it is possible, but probably not as much difference as i hope. What also quirks me, is the limited cargo possibilities.

But at least now i know that it is possible to store it in my closet in the basement, and that i will not have to let it stand freely in the basement accessible for all others that live in this apartment complex.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
JonB wrote:
Mark B wrote: Why do you think it might not hang like that, Jon?

That's more or less how I store mine.
I consider Silvio very delicate and my Freerider crude-go-anywhere. Like a woman and a man. It's a road bike, and you have to take gently care of it.

It's not that delicate. Even after losing a crap-ton of weight, I'm still 210 pounds and it holds up to me just fine! The weak link is and always will be your wheels. If you get good wheels that are meant for a rider of your weight and purpose, the bike will be just fine!



Zen MBB Master
Mark B wrote:
JonB wrote: I consider Silvio very delicate and my Freerider crude-go-anywhere. Like a woman and a man. It's a road bike, and you have to take gently care of it.

It's not that delicate. Even after losing a crap-ton of weight, I'm still 210 pounds and it holds up to me just fine! The weak link is and always will be your wheels. If you get good wheels that are meant for a rider of your weight and purpose, the bike will be just fine!
It's good to hear. I am 242 pounds - naked, so add clothes and possibly a little cargo. + some water...

And i need to be able to lock it.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
JonB wrote: [I am 242 pounds - naked, so add clothes and possibly a little cargo. + some water...

And i need to be able to lock it.

I was around there a year ago... No worries, just get real wheels... 32 spokes minimum with decent rims. You'll be fine. There is a hole between the seat pan and the frame that a cable type lock would pass through easily.



Zen MBB Master
Mark B wrote:
JonB wrote: [I am 242 pounds - naked, so add clothes and possibly a little cargo. + some water...

And i need to be able to lock it.

I was around there a year ago... No worries, just get real wheels... 32 spokes minimum with decent rims. You'll be fine. There is a hole between the seat pan and the frame that a cable type lock would pass through easily.
Well, i would either need a long cable, or they could steal my wheels. :eek: And besides, i dont think that cable locks are insurance approved in Denmark, meaning no reimbursment :-(


Active Member
Getting back to the OP, ;) this new product, the Steadyrack, looks like worth testing out. Even lets the bike be tilted side to side on the wall, useful in a tight spot.

saw it at my LBS, very tempting... anyone tried it out?
