virtual ride in place of all of my cancelled rides - please participate


whereabouts unknown
okay now the annual charity ride i do has been "postponed" many of you have donated in the past for which i am grateful.

but, they are creating a virtual ride. which is fine. They are of course expanding the virtual ride to the known universe. and since we are expanding to the known universe, this clearly extends to CB bent universe.

so i want everyone to participate and donate. and i want you all on my team, but i want you to donate in your own name....or if you don't want to do that donate in my name. But i would rather we show the known universe that cruzbikers are good teammates and safe to ride with virtually....

so first things first. team name: Team Kalamari

(yes, a spin on my last name)

here is the website to join in and i have attached a flyer. there is also another flyer worth looking at

you can look up my old thread to learn more, particularly about David and his work, but just go to the website, look around and then to this specific URL to register.

make sure you identify yourself as being on "Team Kalamari"

since we are not going to michigan this year and we are not going to indiana this year, lets all do this. save on airfare, lodging and potential flu.

thanks to all in advance.


  • AHCT2020_flyer-VIRTUAL-RIDE.pdf
    302.4 KB · Views: 9


whereabouts unknown
okay everyone.
today and tomorrow are the last days to sign up and get the jersey

i know i promised everyone a jersey for coming to Michigan but since no one is coming to Michigan how about everyone sign up for team Kalamari and then get a jersey here. the jersey is free, but i need you to ride and to donate what you can as well.

@Mathew Fy
@cranky cyclist
@super slim
@Jim Parker
@Maria Parker
@Robert Holler
@Seth Cooper

are you guys listening?
i need a national & international team!!!

@DocS i need a texan or two

for those of you who live in Wisconsin, Andean health is based in Madison..... i know we have guys and gals who live in Madison

for those of you who live in Washington, many of the normal annual riders come from the west side of the state.

i know its not RAAM and its not the CB ride retreat, and i kow its not even like we are all going to be in the same place, but it is the best i can do, and it is a great cause.

thank you all for whatever you do.
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Good morning,

Although I'm the last one mentioned, I'm interested :rolleyes:

I signed up for your team, but am not sure how this works...
What milage am I supposed to ride?
I didn't see a registration fee...
There are a lot of Cruzbikers on Facebook and on Strava... Have you put the word out there?

Glad to participate and ride for a good cause :)

DocS (Rudy Sanchez)
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whereabouts unknown

thanks for participating. they have already confirmed you to me. now i have a Texan.

i have not put the word past here and my email contacts.

there is no specific amount of mileage you need to ride.
there is no registration fee.
the point is to ride for the cause and to donate as you are able, and to get others to donate as well.

It's an honor code. do your best have fun and give and do what you can.

the team reward is simply bragging rights. i know that i cant match the money others will bring in, but i know that every penny helps, and i am hoping my team falls into the far and wide category. i am the only recumbent on the regular trips. TREK is involved, and they are always supportive of me even as a bent. the guides love to borrow whatever i bring to rip around. This is a great group of interesting people, from the riders to the board, to the doctors and staff. many doctors involved at all levels. not sure why they let me participate, probably some sympathy or need for comic relief. i went to notre dame with dave, and the thing i really like is the sustainability model. it is a repeatable model for other countries, it is a real operation intended to sustain itself, and become a part of every community it serves, and it is not just another charity money pit.

as an for example, here is what i am doing:

1. trying to get people to ride and wear the jersey, and document their rides, and donate as they are able, and get donations as they are able. those people will be the riders of the team. we have several people signed up but we need more. you are now a part of the team

2. i am making a personal donation, which is then credited to me and team Kalamari.

3. i have people who i have contacted that don't want to ride but have made a cash donation to Andean Health with a credit to me and the team.

4. i have people who have committed to paying a donation based on a per mile basis for the mileage I rack up between September 19 and September 26, which is when we would have been on the normal trip. so, my plan is to do a long ride by myself or with some local, on the 19th or the 20th, probably 100 or 200 if i am really motivated and feel good, and then do 50 a day during the week. and then i am going to head down to Long beach Indiana where an Andean health board member lives and do a group ride to finish off my week at whatever distance they do. maybe my wife will even ride.

so my personal target mileage for the week is 500 if the weather is good. (of course @LarryOz does more than that sitting while he is at work LOL)
for me, mileage pledges range from 25 cents to 1.00 a mile.

so, i think it would be great if cruzbikers all over the country and world participate. not everyone can take time and expense and do the annual ride, but the covid has allowed us to make more people a part of the team.


This is awesome!
I used to travel extensively for work (lots of domestic and international travel) and didn't have the time to use the airline miles, hotel points , etc. that I accumulated, so I donated them to a group of opthamologists that traveled to India every year to perform literally thousands of Cataract surgeries (mostly caused by malnutrition) within the span of about a week! Their flights were expensive and the Docs paid out of pocket. If I could donate these unneeded miles and they helped people, great!

Last year I rode for a few charities. I like helping if I can...

I look forward to riding with you (virtually) and hope to contribute to this cause :)

DocS (Rudy)
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On the Donate page I see choices for Team Kalamari with (Phil (you), Rudy, or Kevin). I am going to select the Team Kalamari (Phil). Let me know if I should be doing something else based on my plan to ride and give a donation. (I highly respect the cause but fundraising is not my forte and stresses me out so I am going to leave that part to those better suited.)


whereabouts unknown

thanks very much for participating. if all you do is ride and make an individual donation that will be great. if you have others who donate and note that it is attributable to you also great. the one thing you can be sure of is that all of your donations go to andean health, and that they use it carefully.

i think we will have a few more people on the team. i think right now we have riders in texas, canada, michigan, kansas, and italy.

i think we have 4 cruzbikes so far.