Assembly of Silvio

I sold a Silvio to a customer he was not sure of the correct assembly of it. I looked at the parts diagram and the assembly notes but not having built one myself I thought I would ask here. Is there someone that has taken pictures of the assembly step by step? That might be useful for others when they assemble there Silvio.

Doug Burton

Zen MBB Master
Hello Peder,

I have a set of photos that I intend to use to create an enhancement to the assembly instructions. They are currently confined to the assembly of the parts included with the frame and do not include component installation, which is being developed as I work on the current bike.

Let me know what e-mail address to send them to and I'll try to get them compressed and zipped for you.



Mark B

Zen MBB Master

Truthfully, the assembly is really straight forward. I had studied the assembly sheet provided by Cruzbike on line, as well as the parts diagram for so long before my bike got here, I probably could have assembled it in my sleep. There weren't too many places where I had to scratch my head for more than a second. It took me a minute or two to figure out which direction the derailleur hanger went into the sandwich. A brief moment of mental clarity made it painfully obvious, once I pulled my head from my backside. Some assembly pics would probably help, but I had no troubles. The other thing I noticed was none of the documentation mentioned the headtube protector thingy (aluminum tubing pressure fit into the lower side of the headtube). Had I not been aware of it, I could see where a person would wonder how in the world the headset bearing was supposed to go.... Now that I say that... I didn't look at the documentation that was in the box, maybe there was some mention of it in there. :oops:

Doug sent some great photos so you can see how to put it together. Mark did you also get these photos from Doug? I see you have put your Silvio together congratulations. I do not have a Silvio my self but the photos were for a customer. He just sent me an e-mail that the Silvio is finished now he just has to learn how to ride on it.
I am sure the pictures Doug took will also help others in the future when they order a Silvio.
The details on the Silvio are very impressing it is one of a kind.
Many thanks to Doug.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Peder Torgersen wrote: Doug sent some great photos so you can see how to put it together. Mark did you also get these photos from Doug? I see you have put your Silvio together congratulations.

Thank you, Peder. No, I didn't use any pictures for the assembly. There were a couple places where some clarity might have helped, but it really goes together pretty easy. They have some of the trickier parts pre-assembled, so it's not too bad.
